Monday, July 18, 2011
My Boss and I
When I take a long time, I am Slow,
When my boss takes a long time, he is Thorough
When I don't do it, I am Lazy,
When my boss didnt do it, he is Busy
When I do something without being told, I am trying to be Smart,
When my boss does the same, that is Iniatitive
When I please my boss, I am Shoe Polishing,
When my boss pleases his boss, that is Co-operating
When I do good,my boss never Remembers
When I do wrong, he never Forget
Some thoughts again...........
Happy Monday Dollls!!!
Yesterday dated on 17th July 2011, after 10 days I left KL, I am home..
Firstly, I screamed at home said "Hommies I am home!!! And Maryam out from her room,kissed and hugged me as usual.
I lurve u sista!!.
Then immediately I am unload my 1 month luggage, hang all my dresses,skirts,tops adn etc.I have mission.
Attacked MAXIS KLCC.Why? There was hidden stories behind it...Jeng jeng jeng...
Macamni hangpa tau tak masa cheq balik Penang kan suddenly x boleh guna tenet..Mula2 cheq ingat xde
signal sebab cheq portkan diri cheq kat dapoq..Tup tup cheq pon pindah la location kan ke ruang tamu.Aik xde jugak
terus cheq call customer service Maxis..Plus point cheq pon pelik kenapa bill telefon cheq suddenly sampai
RM 313.19..huiks kalah mak hayam chow kit kan buat bizness..Cheq ingat oh mungkin cheq sms kat singapore and etc kan..Then pikiaq pi
pikiaq mai x kan kot..
Then cheq recap la..Orang yang selalu cheq call or sms kerap..
a) Mama-sebab nak gossip pasal kerja,rambut,adik and etc.So we take turn mama call then aku la kan..Adil la.
b)Abah-sebab wajib call abah sehari sekali..Tapi abah susah nak call aku..sebab alasan..I kan abah..Boleh kan jawapan gitew..Tension tull
c) Azhar-untuk carutz dan dia akan dengar cerita si polan itu ini...
d)Abang hensem-untuk tanya khabar
e)Cikgu comel-sama macam abang hensem
f)Office-update kerja
g) Rahmah-untuk bawa aku jalan2
h) Priya-Laki aku untuk pergi club(seangkatan dengan Lavi Gila dengan Sufian Gedik)
i) Sms potensi prospect dan suspect
Sekali nak je keriau..Ko gila..Ada ke patut diaorang bagitahu macam ni..
"Ms Fyra the reason why we barred the line due you have 2 broadband and 1 of it not being paid yet..tHEN...YANG AKU BAYAR RM 250 TU APA?so Pondek kan.Dia cakap I need to make payment and they will continue to provide the service..Nak x nak cek bayar RM 100 keesokan hari kan..
Terus cheq teringat free gift yang dapat tu..Actually x la free gift.
Diaorang hantaq by courier dalam bulan April then diaorang cakap.."U may used anytime u want, once u activate
u may have 7 days free trial. If you satisfied with the service you may pay RM 100 and following next month we will
charge you RM 68 nett for the broadband.The point is i x cuma buka the box but i am not activate
any thing..Terus dari Penang cheq caruts kejap.And siap mimpi mimpi ok..
Sungguh macam babiks..Then dari Penang cheq balik ke KL dengan semangat kobar kobar ok..I kan iron lady,
mana boleh mengalah macam tue je..Hah..Sungguh semangat kesukanan u alls!!Muahaha..
Dong dang cheq unload luggage tahap express ok,siap habaq kat Maryam."the rest of the items, will unload
by this week, so please do not move my luggage"
Lepas tue almari macam kena serang garuda..Sebab nak cari broadband bodo free gift tue kan...Jumpa pon...
Mandi ala2 express..hahaha..Then terus cari dress zebra a gift from my friend.haha...apapun..imej kena
vavavoom ok...Gedik2 aku tunggu lift then toktektoktek cari taxi depan rumah..
Cadang nak naik Lrt then putra x jadik sebab dah 7.30pm..Hah mandi pon lambat siap...
Dalam taxi cheq dok sibuk karang ayat untuk mempertahankan hak cheq ok..
Sampai kat maxis center KLCC terus ambik number then kejap je terus turn cheq..
Orang yang attend cheq nama dia Erin..
Terus hah cheq buat kalut jap..cheq cerita la..story A-Z...Cheq bagitahu kat dia macam ni "My bills rose for this 2 month totals RM 528.40..this things couldnt be happen
what on earth, Maxis charge me for the stuff i am not using after all without my authority!! For 2 month..Supposedly they need to give me courtesy calls
in order about this thing.I am being charged for things that I am not using (sambil menunjuk kotak broadband maxis bodo then simcard yang tak xguna langsung)
This is the prove!! Somemore u may check my records I (sambil menstresskan IIIII) not using it..U better do rebate on my bills or otherwise I am gonna make a scene here!!
Terus di panggilnya Si Muru colleague dia!! Hah ambik ko..charge aku lagik kan..Of coz aku x kan give up kan...Ko ingat aku perempuan simpanan Tan Sri ke ?
Eh kalau duit aku sekoyan pun x kan aku nak bayar benda yang aku x guna kan..dah la aku dah bayar bill telefon bulan lepas RM 350 untuk benda yang aku x guna kan
Tersangat la babiks..Nak beli dress kat Forever 21 terus aku pendam perasaan..So balas dendam
Memandangkan aku mempunyai bukti2 yang kukuh..Dan the best things diaorang x pula nak bangkang bangkang cakap aku kan..Somemore diaorang hantaq by courier bukan
bagi kat aku kat center pon..Terus aku minta yang tu yang ni..Actually best pula kalau complaint..Terus aku teringat guest guest yang selalu nak comp je masa
kat hotel..Terus aku pon berdrama kan..Muahaha..Best pula..Hah..Bila mulut durjana aku complaint kan..Sumpah x tahan korang dengar...
The icing on the cake diaorang rebate semua bill aku..Muahaha....Then the amount will be rebate in next bill...Hhaha..Hah..Korang dah la buat aku gigit
jari..sebab x dapat beli dress kat Forever 21..Kemponan so aku x kira..Dah dapat rebate ni satu rahmattt..Elok la aku dok blackmail nak make scene kan..Aku
xkira x jadi..straight away aku nak cakap "Call your manager now!!Muahaha....Tapi since diaorang memahami situasi aku so all settle..jengjengjeng
But I am not so stupiakk.I need a black and white supporting to cover my ass..So i have the copy of it with me now..Ok so settle..I cant wait to see
the figure of my bills next month..Muahaha...
Anyway..I am eyeing BB Playbook..Macam best la pula...Scrimp and save if i want it okey...
Till then...
~la moitié de moi, la moitié d'entre vous~
Friday, July 15, 2011
I am back to rock my world!!!
Dah berkurun aku x jenguk blog..haha..mencari vakum,mop and etc untuk kemas kemas kan habuk di sekeliling blog ni muahahaha...LOL..
A loads of things i would like to share..perhaps..or just spitting around what i had been through all this time,relationships,holidays,friendships and etc..
I do realized.I am getting old day by day..haha..terus cari alternatif lain BOTOX untuk kekali muda..The point each day each year i experienced or faced loads of things..Even sometimes kadang 2 aku fikir..Is it this is me? The one that people knew or new me or etc etc...
Is not easy to please your ownself anyway..I am blessed what I am HAVING Now..Maybe small list as below to show the bless thingy given By Allah to me..Alhamdullilah..
a) Great parents...
b) Awesome friends and new families members.
c) Job and post
d)Great home..
e) Food
and so and so..
Well anyway..I bet i should sit and write properly about this and that..Life is good but I do missed someone badly.A guy who is actually succeeded makes me confused after the dinner over a month ago..sumpah aku tidak lalu atau pijak kawasan itu dah..Motif..Hiba gila..For the first of my life..(Due aku nie agak2 iron lady kan..jarang nak nangis x tentu pasal) I cried and hate to say goodbye...Kalau la aku tahu nie yang bakal aku terima..(Feeling tidak tentu arah ) Sumpah aku x terima dinner invitation tue..
And now after back from dinner alone at QuaySide terus aku hanyot dengan perasaan tidak tentu arah nie lagi..Hebat gila penangan mamat nie dow....
Ok la aku nak buat signature terkelentang aka membuta..Nanti aku akan cerita semua dari segi dinner yang confuse, disaster holidays, guest yang kerjy dan segala bagai...
~la moitié de moi, la moitié d'entre vous~
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