Separate Holidays for Good!!Holidays for betterment?
Once Upon A time!! Azhar, Afira, Arzmi..Trio's A |
Hiyaa Blog!!!!
Today's Afira addiction is get a phone and called her parents and her loved ones.
My Loved Ones? Of course my amantes!!!
So we start with..Encik Rudy Azhar Petite!!!
It was 2008 picture.See Afira is kinda slim here!! Hahah |
He is my monkey brother.We do have our monkey sister brother relationships over 6 years.Since I was 19.And soon I am going to blow 25 years-old-candles!!
Even I am barely call him these days!! But we whats app!!.Oh ya..My old number of my whats app was crash in a tragic way and require myself and I to install it back!!So Afira with her new number again!!
And I managed to call him and Yes spoke to him..Wah wah..sempat juga dengan BOSSYNYA!! Cik Fyra menyuruh Rudy kecik park keta(he was drive when I call him) and answer my call.Kaedahnya!!
Terus di bruk brek hampir 17 menet!! Sempat la cerita itu ini..Dari Malaysia till Sydney!! Ko ada?
LOL...I was hint my monkey bro due we hardly spent time together.Last holiday was last year!!
And he was erkk * Darla I wanted to see you but I have class, aku pun nak study nak 4 flat macam ko..
And Cik Fyra kejang sentap ye!! ( Banyak la aku punya paper 4 flat!! My college time was over and awaiting for new kick start!!)
Oh at this moment, these Uncle Latino works at One Sentral yang aku tak sure under company PWC.Price Water House Cooper!.KL Sentral I tahu la !!Siap dia condemn aku ye!! Ko apa yang tahu..Selamba je aku cakap " I am living at the glory heart of city!!.I tahu KLCC,Pavilion yang sky crappers tu je!!
Boleh Pakcik ni cakap "Wei KLCC tu pelancong yang baru datang seminit pun tahu"
*Loyar buruk sangat ko ye!!*
Sempat di update pasal result USQ!!
Maka aku jawab la.* I am awaiting for the result!!,Now every phone calls I am so excited ok!]
Boleh dia jawab "All rite, I will call from office tomorrow bagi ko lagi excited!!"
* saat tu aku rasa nak bertukar jadi naga ye!!*
Maka berbruk brekla kitaorang berdua dengan hebat sekali..Sempat aku membebel ye..kalau aku ajak short trip ada aja alasan dia dan Icha aka Azmi!! Sempat pula dia loyar buruk!! ** Tunggu aku pencen kita spend masa together gether!! Over Ko**
For example
Afira: Lets go for Island!! sambil scroll kat note * PLR,Tioman, Redang,Perhentian!!And few list goings on!!
Azhar: I wanted to but panas ye!! Nanti I gelap!! Penat nak berlulur!!!
Ichaa: Jauh ok..Harus kena pergi lama skit.Drive or naik bus sah sah 5 jam!! Harus aku tertido then penat...*Statement*
Afira: Then kalau dekat mana nak pergi?Pavilion ke?
maka berlangsung la pemilihan yang in the end semua tak jadi..gedik sangat!!
Rudy Azhar terus tanya..Where you gotta go soon?Any glamorous vacation ke? And I told him..Shanghai baby!! Shanghai!!
And his brother sense asked me with who,when, so and so!! I know you love me!! Auw!!!
He will heading up soon to Sydney!!On October if I am not mistaken!!And he told me his lady boss asked him."Why you want to go Sydney?!! And I already guide him with the best answer ever!!
So..Encik Rudy I will see you over a drink after 23rd..Ko simpan gossip banyak banyak!!