Looking at pictures in my album inside my iPod makes me wondering.There are plenty moment I am crafted with the loved ones.
I mean not a lover but people around me..My family and friends.
I tend to tell more stories in between my silent.I had a great trip at Malacca with Ichaa Chulaa, a cosy day with Azhar , nature trip at Kuala Gandah, Sing kee during Sabri buffday..
So since I am in the mood of holiday, I am preferable to told more about trip to Malacca that was falls on December...
And guess what I am heading to Malacca again next week on 17th.Yay!!Back to stories.I mean memories.
It was like not so call last minute but still manage me double my happiness over there.The original plan was Icha,Azhar and I..However, Azhar unable to joined due his knee injured.
So the trip on with Icha and I.The trip is kind like heal getaway after what happened to us.So 2 weeks before that as usual Cik Fyra busy bee occupied herself with room reservations,
leave applications,google there google here bout places of interest at Malacca.
FYI, this is not my 1st trip ok..Saya ulang sekali lagi NOT A FIRST TRIP!!But as usual, Afira get excited for all trip in her list..
So I was told Icha this and that and Icha seems agree bout all the plan.A big thanks to Azhar that gave me idea place to go.Even I had been to Malacca, however most of times
I was spent my night at club lol...And guess what ..The princess waking up in the middle of afternoon and spent her time more in room watching all dvd's she
brought all along the way from KL!!
So on the day itself, dated on 04th December itself, since Azhar is morning person, dia dengan berkalibernya awake me as early as 8 am. As I truly wanted badly to awake at 10 am
It was so early..LOL..but thanks babe..And at9.50 I jump from bed and first morning call to awake Ichaa..
Ichaa is one kind he and his 2 minit tido, and eh awalnya..I was like call and with energetic voices like..Sayangggg...bangun bangun..And 2 minit lagi 2 minit lagi.
I told him, he better off from his bed or i will scream more..lallala..
I was like ok ok "fyra bring all your luggage to living room, get a towel and shower and wait shoes and etc..I text Icha and plan to have breakfast before depart.
And being reply ok yang..SO bung bang bung bang..Living my condo to LRT station and it was 11 am..Oh yeah we took a bus to Malacca even before that Icha thought of to drive.
Bus time at 12.30pm and obviously I am being safe depart home earlier 1hour plus ok..Jeng jeng.Plus LRT slow nak mampus siap aku dah bayang nak hijack..LOL.Icha and kaedah terlebih make up make him late..12.15 i saw him catwalk dengan anggunnya siap dengan Beg Nike Merah..
Sumpah aku nak terguling ayapan kat BTS Terminal ok..Merah gila U alls
So the journey start..Hah...from beginning I bet 2 of us je yang continuosly bruk brek bruk brek inside the bus and in the end both of us tido..zzzz
Then when reached Melaka Sentral masing masing lapar ok..OMG.we eat like refugee..LOL..
And....Here we are lead our way to The Majestic Malacca via taxi.FYI the taxi driver thought 2 of us are Singaporean.Eh I proud as Malaysian ok.Dont compare me with the Singaporean..
(At some point I hate the minority of KIASU SG).It tooks around 10 to 15 minutes via taxi to TMM.
Upon arrived Ichaa was pretty excited with the building, the decorations and etc.And wow wow many wow..He kept compliment the places.(Is Filthy Fucking Nice ok)
While awaiting our room to ready, again 2 of us, continue our Gossipping session and bla bla bla...and after that proceed to the room..Tadddaaa.....
The room definitely inviting and spacious..Wait spacious?..for 3rd visit.this I realized the room spacious.(WTF Fira!!)..and after that almost 1 hour 2 of us posing bagai nak rak..padahal dalam bilik je..
The room definitely inviting and spacious..Wait spacious?..for 3rd visit.this I realized the room spacious.(WTF Fira!!)..and after that almost 1 hour 2 of us posing bagai nak rak..padahal dalam bilik je..
I had a bad thought of bringing the decorations back home..But i will know..Vinud my friend (AFOM) will definitely call me to bring back the decorations.For 3 days 2 nights i was like try to control not to overexcited with the decorations that was hang at my room.In other words..Jangan ambil bawa balik!!
The xmas lovely.. |
As usual cam whore..LOL
Captured by Ichaa..Thanx babe..Background is our room.Spacious giler.. |
Ichaa and his erk erk...Over rated posed..Seriously I laughed hardly .. |
Then..after that..dua dua ekor tertangkup sebab mengantuk.I apologized to him due a night before the trip I was move like jagger at club with Priya..(It was awesome to meet Priya and Pian that time)
Ichaa as usual memegang crown tidor walau di mana jua anda berada..And I was like.."nap nap only few minutes and shit ya..Did I bring charger, hows mum and etc"...the best part there was a maintenance work..dum dam dum dam..and guess what? Ichaa consistently sleep with no sign he gonna awake..I was like WTF..ko tido mati ke..And around 6pm..I was like awake awake..we are going to Jonker..And Ichaa was like.."Bestnya tido" (my jaw drop) and I do asked him about his nap and the maintenance sound..
Ichaa as usual memegang crown tidor walau di mana jua anda berada..And I was like.."nap nap only few minutes and shit ya..Did I bring charger, hows mum and etc"...the best part there was a maintenance work..dum dam dum dam..and guess what? Ichaa consistently sleep with no sign he gonna awake..I was like WTF..ko tido mati ke..And around 6pm..I was like awake awake..we are going to Jonker..And Ichaa was like.."Bestnya tido" (my jaw drop) and I do asked him about his nap and the maintenance sound..
Boleh dia jawab " adala dengar tapi aku x boleh tido" I was like..Hello.."ko tido serupa x nak bangun ok"...
Siap siap then 2 of us..start our journey at Malacca city.FYI..TMM located heart of city and it took10 to 15 minutes walking distance to Jonker and Christchurch.It was around 7 when we reached there.I captured pictures using my new Babe Canon Ixus 220.I do like the quality of picture and it drive me mad to own so called DSLR (another camera) on one fine day..
Venice?LOL |
Sexy back at Jonker..LOL |
Ichaa Poser..hehehhe |
The rest is history and we are back to hotel rooms around 11 and bung bang bang bung bang near to 1 am..masing masing tertangkup ...LOL
Bangun pagi masing masing malas..Best gila..Tilam heavenly f heaven..Auww..
As usual Afira again taking pictures like nobody business at all.Mandi mandi..Hah...lepas mandi breakfast.Food? Last night that 2 of us borong at Jonker.Like cakes and etc.Sedap ok add on with Cappucino Icha brought all the way from Pekan Baru Indonesia..Again story mories early morning..Mau terguling ayapan mak aku if know anak dia ratu gosip dengan Icha..LOL
I love this captions |
The icing on the cake, when two of us at St Paul Hill.OK..aku rasa bodoh sangat..After Muzium 2 of us. teruskan perjalanan ke St Paul Hill.Siap panjat la tangga yang tinggi nak mampus..Then untuk menghilangkan kepenatan sekor sekor buat la lawak bodoh, tangkap gambar posing pi,posing mai..Until one time bila sampai on top of the hill itself..Kedengaran Afira Menjerit..F F F and KB and etc..Ichaa was like..Sampok ke apa budak ni..
Tahu kenapa.Keluar dari muzium ada satu jalan yang terus ke Bukit St Paul..Tak payah la korang naik turun naik turun..Alahai...Xpe xpe pengalaman kan...
![]() |
St Paul Hill..Masing masing dah senget..Siap posing kalah ANTM Models. |
Then..after that moment pergi pula Muzium Maritim..Seriously aku rasa nak pengsan ok..Dah xde mood nak tangkap gambar..Pikir nak tidur..Penat ok.Plus lapar..Uwaa...Then pergi la Jonker makan cendol and after that Selvam over banana leaf and heading to hotel back.
Surprisingly sampai kat hotel, boleh layan cerita Spongebob..WTF.sekor sekor concentrate dengan Spongebob..konon konon nak tido layan spongebob in the end..Then sambung dengan ultraman and lilo and stitch..Pengsan kejap..
At 7.30 pm..Ong Hend Ley bawa kitaorang pergi Portugese Settlement..Hah sempat lagi kitaorang posing lagi kat TMM Library
Ichaa layan feeling feeling |
Then bung bang sana ke mari after Portuguese Settlement we heading to Jonker over a drink at one bar over there and back to hotel.Guess what..Again poser sana sini..Pitam.........
With Vinud |
Ong Ong =) |
Then balik bilik masing masing letih.Then Icha cadangkan..Malam terakhir tido lambat..Cadangan di tutup.masing masing setuju.Korang tahu apa kitaorang ber 2 buat.Tukar ke channel MTV and hah tergedik gedik 2 ekor menari lagu Beyonce..Buruk gila kan perangai..hahah
End up Cik Afira tertangkup dulu follow by Ichaa..LOL..Itu la update trip yang lepas kat TMM..The rest are memories that hardly to forget.
To Ichaa I do enjoy your accompany through out the trip and I had fun. =)Thanks Babe..
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