I have much to update yo about my recent trip to Tanjong Jara..
And guess what? I am manage to do my snorkeling this time!!Hoo--Rahh!!!
We did our marvelous snorkeling on 31st March last day before we check out!!
At first we thought we unable to be at Tenggol due few reservation but still tentative.Everyday resort bring 18 people to the island.These include those divers and those who want to do snorkeling.But with Ahmad Saufi help we manage to be at Tenggol at last. The trip cost us RM 290 per person.Even the price near cut my throat but at least tak da la kes kawan aku yang selam kat tepi batu kiri dan kanan when they stay at the island itself.And they thought we gonna experience the same thing.Sorry abang abang, I am being smart.
So the furious 5 wake up at 6.30 am perform morning prayer then sibuk pack barang and move to Ichaa and guys room.I feel weird why everytime during check out my luggage mesti berat.Hampeh!!!
Kita orang breakfast light light saja takut nanti pengsan masa snorkeling..LOL
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The furios 5!! |
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At lobby awaiting Van to bring us to Tenggol Island |
Before that, Christ and Brian ada suggest aku ikut diorang pergi ambik license Dive tapi aku cakap tak sampai seru lagi
Boleh alasan macam tu,sebab aku tahu aku kena spend masa at least a week nak study selam bagai while my journal and book minta di belai belai suruh baca.Aku berusaha gigih this semester nak maintain result and assignment siap a week before due date.Reason simple if any error aku gigih boleh re write ke hapa.And this method strongly advisable by one of my senior in Queensland.And memang macam gila la.Sometimes,living halll,laptop then aku terbungkang keriangan kat tepi!!hahaha.
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Todd dan feeling feeling.On our way to Tenggol |
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SWAG!! With my deary ayam Ichaa!! |
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The Tenggol Island |
Mentioning about Tenggol,is a Gem/heaven for divers.As per those divers that I heard memang cantik la.So snorkeling will be cool.Nak dive kalau tak berlicense apa ke hal kan.
Where is it located?Located in the waters of the South China Sea is where one would encounter the idyllic island of Tenggol. The island is set against a beautiful green-forested jungle where wildlife thrives and awaits human exploration while white powdery beaches beckons travellers into its calm waters. With over 15 intriguing dive sites to choose from, every diver from any level and varied interest can dive to their hearts content here. Favourite dives include Tanjung Api, Tokong Timur, Tokong Laut, Tanjong Gemuk, and Pulau Nyireh. Average diving depths around Tenggol is about 21 metres whereas the maximum depth is about 35 metres. The best time to dive from early April until October.Infact my not so close friend cakap last year 2012 diaorang dive jumpa whale shark and my boss wife cakap masa dia snorkeling jumpa jerung sebesar laki dia tapi jerung tu pemalu terus lari.Kalau aku jerung..Nooooooo!!!Sure aku berenang lagi laju dari speed boat ituuu!!!!
Turun dari boat, agenda pertama snap gambar sebelum di bawa snorkeing..Pergh cantik siot.Good thing, I do not have coverage,erk coverage up and down.Meaning to say, no need to check email -work thingy.Heaven kot, cuti without email.Yay!!But mama manage to call and asked how my trip.I LOVE YOU!!
Gua caya sama lu abang diver!! |
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Di batuan ni our pit stop!! |
Oh ya Todd,20 minit pertama dah mabuk laut so dia balik ke darat dan sibuk berposing you all.Dah macam kena alahan orang mengandung ye ko Zirul!! after pit stop kat batu yang bagi buntot aku sakit kitaorang pun berenang renang (berenang ke Cik Fyra) ke daratan.Wah macam macam gaya la.
Pandalela Renong,Pandalela Tenuk,Panda tak rela,Pandarela semua ada.Lepas snorkeling ni,hah masing masing kelaparan ye.Sementara tunggu buffet lunch,kitaorang makan roti yang kitaorang beli kat 7Eleven semalam.hahah.makan serupa pelarian.
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Our Lunch Buffet |
Then after makan kita orang rilex sebelum pergi second spot yang dalam punya untuk snorkeling..Wohoo!!!Ada yang terkelentang terbungkang tangkap gambar.Aku tidur sekejap je.Sekejap je.Angin ada,Sepoi sepoi bahasa tamil.Kejap mari,kejap lari.Kejap aku rasa air liur meleleh dah..Hahha.Sambung acara tangkap gambar dengan Todd and Ichaa.hah ambik ko,time ni la idea creative gila datang.Dah la tak bawa tripod tangga pun di rampas buat tripod.Aci tak!!
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Cik Kiah on holiday!! |
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Mak ayam sibuk self snap dan Afira macho di belakang miahaa!!! |
Cik Fyra jerung tak makan roti ye!! Dia makan aku kot.GULP!!!
nak je nangis.Perlu ke air mata campur dengan air masin!!
Part sini lagi cantik tapi dalam gila,aku pon tak berani pergi jauh Cik Na je jauh.Issey and Ichaa hah pose maut ye.hahaha
Teringat kawan aku yang pergi berenang dekat pangkor(mengimbau kenangan silam kejap), anting anting rafeah buang dia jatuh aka hilang di suruhnya kawan dia yang lain kerah aka cari termasuk la aku.Terus aku cakap.Ko ingat anting anting ko sebesar piring astro ke!!sewel ke apa cari dalam laut.Tup Tup ikan tertelan (imaginasi tinggi sangat kan) terus ikan itu jadi cantik sebab tertelan emas..(ala ala susuk)
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Sampai ke resort mandi then tidur before back to KL at 6pm in the evening.
So..thats all our trip.It supposed to write my experience stay at TJR but alih alih Tenggol Island yang aku tulis dulu.hahah..I am back to reality and work those arse for new thesis.Work out baby work out.
June wait for me.I am going to do a go go in Thailand hahaha!!
Next trip June:After habis semester I nak pergi sun bathe with Cik Ju and Cik Syima pula
p/s :Mr Brian nanti I ambik license dive ye bila seru sampai so I boleh bergay gaya denga you and Christ.LOL
Mati HANG carut kat aku!!
Sepanjang 3hari tiada di kota,ramai la yang mencari.Cik Fyra kan HOT!!Tue belum diaorang tengok pose di pool,di tangga,di pantai pakai bikini SPEEDO sambil pose yang menghairahkan dekat Tanjong Jara.Ada yang runtun hati..Hahah
Kalau tengok mesti semua pecahkan kepala masing masing tanda kecewa!!
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