Monday, October 24, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
No more drama
Just as every summer ends, all tourists come home. All dreamers wake up. And new problems are born.
And just like that, a pretty girl's ugly secret is revealed.But no matter what the season brings..
Me always Me..Nothing change!!
~Sometimes you just have to come clean. No matter how many dirty secrets come out~
October about to end soon!!..Then I do realized a lot of things happen in this 2011..
I personally felt that 2011 are colourfull..Hahha.I really mean it.
In fact I knew someone, who actually yang aku anggap macam family kan..But because one thing happen
all faded away. Just because a wrong sending mail, I was given a silence treatment..Haha..In fact
the most heart break statement "Eh I thought you celebrate lavishly with your so called amantes"
Wohoo People like this deserve the standing ovation of your tallest finger..So enough with it..
However one more things like I just realized with my monkey bro.Someone is sick and really really fucking
a doctor right now.Well I am pretty sorry for you. You really NEED a doctor to fade away your paranoid
or kind of your attitude of lurve-to-jump-to conclusion..And after that.YOUTHINKYOUALWAYSRIGHTEVENYOUARENOT!!
Hmm..the best part was like I have no idea why...MAk banyak kerja nok..But I do follow the flow..It is part and parcel that I need to reduce my tensed with my works =)
The funny is you are well educated person. And I was adore you before and always proud to have you
as a part of my families..
But now..I was wrong A BIG TOTALLY WRONG..LOL..Never judge a book by its cover..I should flip more the pages till end..
Anyway..I am not losing anything..And I dont mind to losing something which is new and fragile
I am looking for high end quality of friendship.I do haveThe persons who always accept the best and even the worst of me....And I do appreciate to the max..I do have Baq, My monkey bro and few of amantes !!
I know with kind of my attitude..I dont have any problems to find so call friends.
However, I am not stupid enough.I am very picky to choose whom i want to be. But this time
I was made kind of big mistakes..The warning that I had been received earlier...Should not be ignored..
The terms IGNORANCE JUST A BLISS..Doesnt work weiii...
Nevertheless.I felt sorry to my monkey bro..Due of this..I am so sorry..My mistake..But.I feel so entertained
with this kind of is time to grab a pop corn and continue what's next!!
Enjoy the show peeps!!!
Friday, October 7, 2011
A piece of ME
Slowly slowly … the faces fade away
The memories of yesterday pass away …
If only it wasn’t for that day … an old street just an old street reminds me of that day
Just an old street with the same green trees … it’s just a different day
Nothing has changed … but only me
For better or worst might be …
Walking along … the memories recalled of another day and another...
I remember when I walked away … as I knew I won’t walk it again
Since then thing are just the same … just an older than me street
Strange isn’t it … how things can remain some time the same
I walked away and I know this way … it impossible for me to come again
How strong that street can be I can’t face it …. I don’t want, and so I don’t want to walk it again but for some reason I went that way …
My father used to say ….
You can say so much son … but you can only do less …
… maybe one day I can do more than I say ... maybe I can
And so I went a head …for some time not for so long … then I look back It all looks so close while it’s yet so far away
…. the years has based away just like the face that faded away ... that street saw it all ... all that way
Whoever comes back ... comes with pain … from the past they come with pain
Walking that street I though I know ... who walked in and out was never their
Those trees where ...
I found it very difficult to try and understand ...
Piece ... here and there ... almost every where and from anywhere collected and then thrown away
A plate full of honey ... can only give you honey ... a street full of traffic will only hold you back
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Feeling Feeling
AA:Every girl fantasizes about finding her Prince Charming. But if that Prince refuses to come...
A girl has to take matters into her own hands...
So enough of the BassNess Story.I am interested to tell my story and my MB....
My MB currently in somewhere..Saja aku tak nak state..Kang di tahu mampus.haahahha
Ok..So masa raya tu kan..My MB wish me selamat hari raya terus i tertido pukul 1 am..Happy punya pasal
Muahaha..Buruk gila perangai macam tu..Mak aku pun excited bila MB ada cakap nak datang Penang if kerja dia
habis awal..ehehhe
Anyway MB memang keep promised dari dia kat SG sampai la kat US dia keep in touch dengan aku..
Even x la setiap 1 jam but we keep updated each other..gila setiap 1 jam..mati la aku..
With him i do feel comfy very much..and safe..
The most memorable memory when he walked me in KL..actually kat changkat je.Yes for others might be
nothing but for me I feel so special.And the tears was about to running down. Satu benda yang aku
tak pernah alami.Sedih tak tentu pasal.hehhe..
Kan..over tau...Hah.then since he in US, ada je masa lapang bila dia free aku free YM je kerja kami..
Muahaa..ada je yang nak di cakap.Terus mak bunga bunga je hati..Pergi kerja pun energetic gitew..
Muaahahah..Padahal cerita tu xde la apa sangat.But the time he spend masa break buzz aku.Make me appreciate.
Then after that..baru aku realized..ala2 discovery channel even my monkey bro cakap
"Apa yg ko discovery,dia nyah ke..Grrr.."
Aku discovered kan.My MB ada sense of humour..Muahaha..Over a year baru aku sedar..Hahaha..Ye la jumpa
pun jarang.Dia pergi sana sini.One thing I do respect about him..Even he is someone,money is not big
problem for him, he is very humble.Satu benda yang aku suka..hehehe
Then bila aku tanya kat En Rudy.."macamana ko tahu aku suka dia ek?"
Terus dia jawab "i know J is special..jgn tanya mcmana i tau ok..nanti i jwb dgn stupiakk"
harus aku ketok dia..haahhah
Even masa aku lambat masa jumpa dia..Sebab masa tu jammed, he still acting cool la..Sumpah kalau
orang lain habis aku di carutsss.hehhee..
Kan..memang aku rasa happy la..But as usual i cant be excited too much even mid october dia akan
datang sini katanya.I need to discover wether he is martini straight up or vodka with a twist..
Bare in mind cik AA..heehhe.
In fact i memang suka dia..But I kena ukur diri I..Dia tu Encik Pilot.Baik gila, Gentleman gila..So aku
waras lagi..In fact ada rezeki ada la..Tak de tak perlu nak meroyan tahap gaban kan..Hhehehe
"The problem with fairy tales is that they set a girl up for disappointment.
In real life, the Prince goes off with the wrong Princess.
Or the spell wears off and two lovers realize they're better off as... well, whatever they are...
But I'll confess. Every once in awhile a girl craves her fairy tale ending.
So sleep tight, kiddies. It seems like AA got her happily ever after.
~Bisou Bisou~
Fade Away
AA :Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday.
As always I'll be spending it giving thanks for the bounty of secrets I've harvested from you this year.
But leave a place for me at your table. I'll be back for just desserts.
Well..It is October..Wohoo..I wish October are much much better that September..
Obviously loads of things happen last month.The bad one was A PERSON that was closed to me is no more longer.
I do admit that was my mistake.However, silent treatment and pretending nothing happen doesnt make
me feel good.
In fact..Bila aku bertanya perlu ke jawab nak tak nak kan.Seolah olah ko buat serupa gua bakar lu
punya Honda woo..Teramat la macam fukkeymeks kan..Hello..Kalau aku buat salah seolah olah besar
kan,bukan ko tak boleh tegur kan.Apa ko ingat aku bebal ke nok.Maybe sometimes I act stupid but I am not ok.
Then perlu ke ko nak bagi tahu sealam at least save me from Tony Romas and watsoever..Ko ingat aku
tak berduit ke nak beli? Kalau aku tak berduit pun aku senyap, berduit pun aku senyap..Sebab aku tahu
aku mampu beli nak makan ke nak sapu makan.In fact not first time, aku pergi Tony Romas.Lain la baru
keluar dari gua kan..
p/s : nampak sangat ko x ikhlas.Thanks God la kan ko x belanja..Kang mak aku terima mayat aku sebab
makan mati tercekik kan..
Kan..Plus masa nak pergi TJR..Aku sanggup tukar date vacation masa birthday aku pergi tarikh lain then bila
confirm..Boleh ko ckap : I thought u celebrate lavishly with your so called amantes.Pukitai sungguh
Aku akui..Perkataan Fukkeymeks tue kinda hardcore.Untuk ko la but for those who knewing me
over 1 year above no one senrtap macam ko kan..In fact aku rasa ye la kot ko orang tua yang agak
beremosi..Terus rasa rasa nak kasi Kotex ke Carefree..Since aku rasa bersalah kan maki ko kan..
So aku minta maaf la. Kan dan buat salah..
Wah..Memang ego ko tinggi kan..AKu ingat ego aku tinggi ala2 KLCC kan.Rupa-rupanya terus ko buat blog
kan..Ala2 follow me on twitter gitew after aku sms minta maaf..
Siap buat paragraph ok.Kelas Ko MARIA..Ko ingat aku ni bebal
ke or bangangnya x reti baca. Doesnt mean high end educations reflected you are brilliant enough, if you
think like arsehole..
Takpe aku x kesah,aku sabar je..Tapi bila aku baca wah melampau kan.Kalau x nak maaf tak perlu la
berblog kan..So x pe la kan..Ingat ingat dah habis rupa rupanya ada juga..Ala2 kesinambungan..
Memang masalah la kalau ko cari pasal dengan anak Asfari ye.
Even aku gu gu ga ga..Jangan ko ingat aku ni tak reti nak tepis semua ye.
Ye aku tahu memang dah xde kemaafan kan.So x perlu la ko nak highlight pasal diri aku kat blog.Sebab
bila aku baca feeling feeling glamer la pula.XIXI..
Apapun aku akan ye..Over time, the memories will fade away so does our existence.
Lu jangan risau..Apa yang ada gua akan delete. In fact kalau terserempak kalau ada jalan yang jauh.
harus aku U turn ke apa ke.Kang ada yang meroyan kan..Aku x hadap pun nak jumpa dah.In fact aku dah try macam macam
nak minta maaf.Takpe.I done my part.Aku x kisah nak hadap kan. Infact aku kenal ko baru 4 bulan..Ala2 probation period.
Tak kisah kenal ke tak kenal aku still bernafas, makan ikut time, tido lambat..So life sama sajorkk
I am willing to let you go as long I am not losing others that I knew more than a year. Yang boleh terima aku bila aku mencaruts, melawak
and etc. Mulut I memang jahat.Untuk orang yang bersopan santun (kepada sesiapa yang rasa dia bersopan jangan la kawan dengan aku)
Kang ada yang serntap.Hheheheh..
So is okey..Anyway Happy October beautiful people..Lagi 2 bulan nak new year..Yea yea..
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