Just as every summer ends, all tourists come home. All dreamers wake up. And new problems are born.
And just like that, a pretty girl's ugly secret is revealed.But no matter what the season brings..
Me always Me..Nothing change!!
~Sometimes you just have to come clean. No matter how many dirty secrets come out~
October about to end soon!!..Then I do realized a lot of things happen in this 2011..
I personally felt that 2011 are colourfull..Hahha.I really mean it.
In fact I knew someone, who actually yang aku anggap macam family kan..But because one thing happen
all faded away. Just because a wrong sending mail, I was given a silence treatment..Haha..In fact
the most heart break statement "Eh I thought you celebrate lavishly with your so called amantes"
Wohoo People like this deserve the standing ovation of your tallest finger..So enough with it..
However one more things like I just realized with my monkey bro.Someone is sick and really really fucking
a doctor right now.Well I am pretty sorry for you. You really NEED a doctor to fade away your paranoid
or kind of your attitude of lurve-to-jump-to conclusion..And after that.YOUTHINKYOUALWAYSRIGHTEVENYOUARENOT!!
Hmm..the best part was like I have no idea why...MAk banyak kerja nok..But I do follow the flow..It is part and parcel that I need to reduce my tensed with my works =)
The funny is you are well educated person. And I was adore you before and always proud to have you
as a part of my families..
But now..I was wrong A BIG TOTALLY WRONG..LOL..Never judge a book by its cover..I should flip more the pages till end..
Anyway..I am not losing anything..And I dont mind to losing something which is new and fragile
I am looking for high end quality of friendship.I do haveThe persons who always accept the best and even the worst of me....And I do appreciate to the max..I do have Baq, My monkey bro and few of amantes !!
I know with kind of my attitude..I dont have any problems to find so call friends.
However, I am not stupid enough.I am very picky to choose whom i want to be. But this time
I was made kind of big mistakes..The warning that I had been received earlier...Should not be ignored..
The terms IGNORANCE JUST A BLISS..Doesnt work weiii...
Nevertheless.I felt sorry to my monkey bro..Due of this..I am so sorry..My mistake..But.I feel so entertained
with this kind of drama..it is time to grab a pop corn and continue what's next!!
Enjoy the show peeps!!!
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