AA:Every girl fantasizes about finding her Prince Charming. But if that Prince refuses to come...
A girl has to take matters into her own hands...
So enough of the BassNess Story.I am interested to tell my story and my MB....
My MB currently in somewhere..Saja aku tak nak state..Kang di tahu mampus.haahahha
Ok..So masa raya tu kan..My MB wish me selamat hari raya terus i tertido pukul 1 am..Happy punya pasal
Muahaha..Buruk gila perangai macam tu..Mak aku pun excited bila MB ada cakap nak datang Penang if kerja dia
habis awal..ehehhe
Anyway MB memang keep promised dari dia kat SG sampai la kat US dia keep in touch dengan aku..
Even x la setiap 1 jam but we keep updated each other..gila setiap 1 jam..mati la aku..
With him i do feel comfy very much..and safe..
The most memorable memory when he walked me in KL..actually kat changkat je.Yes for others might be
nothing but for me I feel so special.And the tears was about to running down. Satu benda yang aku
tak pernah alami.Sedih tak tentu pasal.hehhe..
Kan..over tau...Hah.then since he in US, ada je masa lapang bila dia free aku free YM je kerja kami..
Muahaa..ada je yang nak di cakap.Terus mak bunga bunga je hati..Pergi kerja pun energetic gitew..
Muaahahah..Padahal cerita tu xde la apa sangat.But the time he spend masa break buzz aku.Make me appreciate.
Then after that..baru aku realized..ala2 discovery channel even my monkey bro cakap
"Apa yg ko discovery,dia nyah ke..Grrr.."
Aku discovered kan.My MB ada sense of humour..Muahaha..Over a year baru aku sedar..Hahaha..Ye la jumpa
pun jarang.Dia pergi sana sini.One thing I do respect about him..Even he is someone,money is not big
problem for him, he is very humble.Satu benda yang aku suka..hehehe
Then bila aku tanya kat En Rudy.."macamana ko tahu aku suka dia ek?"
Terus dia jawab "i know J is special..jgn tanya mcmana i tau ok..nanti i jwb dgn stupiakk answer..lol"
harus aku ketok dia..haahhah
Even masa aku lambat masa jumpa dia..Sebab masa tu jammed, he still acting cool la..Sumpah kalau
orang lain habis aku di carutsss.hehhee..
Kan..memang aku rasa happy la..But as usual i cant be excited too much even mid october dia akan
datang sini katanya.I need to discover wether he is martini straight up or vodka with a twist..
Bare in mind cik AA..heehhe.
In fact i memang suka dia..But I kena ukur diri I..Dia tu Encik Pilot.Baik gila, Gentleman gila..So aku
waras lagi..In fact ada rezeki ada la..Tak de tak perlu nak meroyan tahap gaban kan..Hhehehe
"The problem with fairy tales is that they set a girl up for disappointment.
In real life, the Prince goes off with the wrong Princess.
Or the spell wears off and two lovers realize they're better off as... well, whatever they are...
But I'll confess. Every once in awhile a girl craves her fairy tale ending.
So sleep tight, kiddies. It seems like AA got her happily ever after.
~Bisou Bisou~
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