Sunday, October 28, 2012
"Winter is the time of promise because there is so little to do - or because you can now and then permit yourself the luxury of thinking so".
Friday, October 26, 2012
...Is Just a Life....
Hiya Blog,
I have no idea what to write.But I am still have few words to say.Lalala
Ok..October is about to end =)
Good things I have commit few stuff on November..
Plenty of plans in my head.
Pindah rumah(perhaps) - Shopping - Girl's Day - TBA
Apparently, I agree to do some stuff which actually test few areas.Responsiveness, Act fast and few stuff..
I am in the post to change the way I am think.What I am trying to say is think for betterment and it should be more logic and with solid facts.
Ann , Mama and Icha has been informed completely about this.And gladly they are happy. I will reveal soon.But not now.As far as I concerned, I can do more than that. November will be very hectic. My filofax for November has been slowly fill with activities.
Hehehe..Nur will fly to Vietnam for her part of studies. Zarina (Ms Cool) busy running her restaurants..
Oh I owe both of them to do ATV activities....wakakaka...
Siap aku cakap dekat Cik Zarina.."I want to wear my red pants and spek mata kucing..meow meow"
These days, I do have addiction beside shoes.Shopping!!
Like Syaffiq Idham said."masa untuk tunjuk kekayaan kejap"LOL..
I realized I bought few stuff most of it clothes..I am into Elle's Apparel.From blouse to jeans, the baby t and sweat pants.lalala....
Like 8 pieces kot this month aku beli je.Tapi ada la pakai 2 kerat je..The rest aku letak dalam beg shopping..Still ye..Is like last year end.Aku shop je banyak end up till March ada juga yang tak pakai..hehehe..
Time to get new gadget..Wohoo..Cik Afira sudah feeling feeling nak bela seekor anak Apple.Maybe MBA(Macbook Air) / MacBook Pro and maybe I am thinking to get iPad.These moments I have my Acer Lappy and Note..And as for me I am thinking of to give my Acer to adik.Only Acer not my note.Even she is 11 years old.She learn to demand this and that. Taste dia these days very expensive.(siapakah yang mengajar dia? Oh No!!)Menangis aku ye!!
She even told me to get car ASAP!!Siap bagi brand apa dia nak.Audi A7..Menangis aku ye!!Nak je aku cakap, "Apa kata adik purposed kat mama, wah wah" Harus mak aku bertukar jadi Ah Long gamaknya!!
Year end is around the corner.I have few plans..I need to do some holidays closer with Icha and the gang. Planning some va va voom new year count down with Zarina, Bonda, Bill and Nur.
And FYI..8/12/12 is Sara and Wan wedding reception.Hmm time to think what to wear.And 2013 Fazz and Ayie will tie the knot.Congratulation Guys!!!
p/s : My shoes will be ready soon..Next: animal print perhaps?
I have no idea what to write.But I am still have few words to say.Lalala
Ok..October is about to end =)
Good things I have commit few stuff on November..
Plenty of plans in my head.
Pindah rumah(perhaps) - Shopping - Girl's Day - TBA
Apparently, I agree to do some stuff which actually test few areas.Responsiveness, Act fast and few stuff..
I am in the post to change the way I am think.What I am trying to say is think for betterment and it should be more logic and with solid facts.
Ann , Mama and Icha has been informed completely about this.And gladly they are happy. I will reveal soon.But not now.As far as I concerned, I can do more than that. November will be very hectic. My filofax for November has been slowly fill with activities.
Hehehe..Nur will fly to Vietnam for her part of studies. Zarina (Ms Cool) busy running her restaurants..
Oh I owe both of them to do ATV activities....wakakaka...
Siap aku cakap dekat Cik Zarina.."I want to wear my red pants and spek mata kucing..meow meow"
These days, I do have addiction beside shoes.Shopping!!
Like Syaffiq Idham said."masa untuk tunjuk kekayaan kejap"LOL..
I realized I bought few stuff most of it clothes..I am into Elle's Apparel.From blouse to jeans, the baby t and sweat pants.lalala....
Like 8 pieces kot this month aku beli je.Tapi ada la pakai 2 kerat je..The rest aku letak dalam beg shopping..Still ye..Is like last year end.Aku shop je banyak end up till March ada juga yang tak pakai..hehehe..
Time to get new gadget..Wohoo..Cik Afira sudah feeling feeling nak bela seekor anak Apple.Maybe MBA(Macbook Air) / MacBook Pro and maybe I am thinking to get iPad.These moments I have my Acer Lappy and Note..And as for me I am thinking of to give my Acer to adik.Only Acer not my note.Even she is 11 years old.She learn to demand this and that. Taste dia these days very expensive.(siapakah yang mengajar dia? Oh No!!)Menangis aku ye!!
She even told me to get car ASAP!!Siap bagi brand apa dia nak.Audi A7..Menangis aku ye!!Nak je aku cakap, "Apa kata adik purposed kat mama, wah wah" Harus mak aku bertukar jadi Ah Long gamaknya!!
Year end is around the corner.I have few plans..I need to do some holidays closer with Icha and the gang. Planning some va va voom new year count down with Zarina, Bonda, Bill and Nur.
And FYI..8/12/12 is Sara and Wan wedding reception.Hmm time to think what to wear.And 2013 Fazz and Ayie will tie the knot.Congratulation Guys!!!
p/s : My shoes will be ready soon..Next: animal print perhaps?
...Fake Gila ....
Hiya Blog,
Ok there is nothing much I need to spit out.Just today is AidilAdha.
I did not back home, for first time aku tak balik with some reasons.
Tapi kalau Aidilfitri sah sah la aku balik.Otherwise mama and abah jadi naga ye..LOL!!
Early morning, calling Ann which located in far far away land..Lalal...
Sempat pula aku mengarut dengan Si Ann ni.Fake gila kan..(Only both of us tahu behind the stories)
Ok la entry kali ni..malas nak type panjang panjang..sebab aku tak tahu nak tulis dah macamana..huahua
p/s : Class start soon..As per Rudy Azhar..Pergi class bawa pencil case dengan iPad.Sumpah aku nak jadi naga due feedback dia yang sangat sucey!!..I takda iPad. Cuma note yang comel..lalala..I prefer old and classy gitu..lalalal
Ok there is nothing much I need to spit out.Just today is AidilAdha.
I did not back home, for first time aku tak balik with some reasons.
Tapi kalau Aidilfitri sah sah la aku balik.Otherwise mama and abah jadi naga ye..LOL!!
Early morning, calling Ann which located in far far away land..Lalal...
Sempat pula aku mengarut dengan Si Ann ni.Fake gila kan..(Only both of us tahu behind the stories)
Ok la entry kali ni..malas nak type panjang panjang..sebab aku tak tahu nak tulis dah macamana..huahua
p/s : Class start soon..As per Rudy Azhar..Pergi class bawa pencil case dengan iPad.Sumpah aku nak jadi naga due feedback dia yang sangat sucey!!..I takda iPad. Cuma note yang comel..lalala..I prefer old and classy gitu..lalalal
Sunday, October 21, 2012
...Day with the amantes....
"They say nothing lasts forever; dreams change, trends come and go, but friendships never go out of style".
So...after a week with parents..I back to KL..spent time with the amantes (the loved ones)
Seems life is pretty occupied but I managed to spend time with them....
Yesterday on 20th after came back from home.I spent few hours with Icha over some brunch and desserts..Our best spot Pavilion la..mana lagi..Dari Gucci Ke H & M..survey this and that...
Like super meriah kot due lama gila tak jumpa kan..However most of the days we text each other tanya khabar.."Thats how friends do right"?
What I am trying to say is..Friends doesnt need to be together 24/7 kan, but texting or calling each other twice or thrice or a month both of you still updating each other status.Like dah kawen ke, pengsan ke,pitam or anything..
I do have a friends who fly here and there and when he/she has times rasa rasa inbox message tu penuh cerita..I don't know how others define friends kan..Silent in arrogant or elegance? I let you to decide...* eh apakah cerita ini sudah lari topik?**
Sempat la aku dengan Icha menganyam ketupat, rebus, and etc. Wohoo...I think the worst part I forced him to go to Bens.Nak makan Aiskrim..hahaha..the sundae was uh lalala.......I love when he asked me..Hows your preparation for study soon..Aku jawab je..Nervous, Excited and Thrill
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The bestie...... =) |
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So today.We did movie, eating session, talking session and facial inquiries..
Hah..Tengok cerita Hotel Transylavania..Zarina was worried at first place..She thought "are you sure this movie is cool?
Slumber je aku jawab.."Trust me..with my present movie tak best pun jadi best ya "
Like Bleh, bleh,bleh...Hah boleh statement macam tu kan...
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"If you are single there is always one thing you should take out with you on a Saturday night: your friends". |
It was fun with the girl...Alahai....When Zarina send me back home..We had girls talk..Saat tu aku rasa nak nangis kejap..hahah...I keep it as a secret la ye..Oh ya and she asked the same questions like Ichaa.."How you feel to be student again and how far is the preparations?"
Aku jawab je.. I feel thrilled due again I jadi student balik..Which means I sacrifice few stuff..Such as my night life..This and that..I feel it is quite challenges as well due I am working and at the same time I am studying. I feel excited to try new environment, meeting new friends and learn something new.
Nervous..Hmm...Do not know how it will be...Over all this courses will take my times 2 years.So I wish all gotta be ok..Life is fun aite....
I am counting the days obviously..I still do not receive the time table and etc from the end side.Will follow up ASAP!!
These days, my day live to the fullest..I trying hard to blend with student life..Reading a plenty of books..
It fills with running at gym,sometimes accompany Shane at pool having a talk with him, reading novels, articles and times with the amantes..pergh....Kerana excited nak belajar..Terfikir nak shopping pencil case..Terus adik aku cakap kat mama.." Mama, I think she will not fill it with stationary..
Mama replied.."Then? What you mean? Adik said : "Trust me, with her make up"!!
Saat tu aku rasa nak blender je adik..Adik oh adik..Mujur ko adik kesayangan aku..Kalau tak ada je kena rasa hempok or terlempar dalam washing machine kan..hehehhhe...
Ok la..till then...
Saturday, October 20, 2012
...Bits and pieces...
Unfortunately my Shanghai trip has been post phone due unforeseen circumstances..
My daddy and mummy not feeling well enough..To be fair and square it is better for me to delay and carry forward in future time.
No penalty charges has been imposed.Ticket valid for 6 month and can be changed 3 times.Thank you for choosing Business Class with MAS!! *Boleh advertised macam tu?**
Then a week ago..I spend time at Penang..Plus I do some medical check about my eyes and teeth..
Yada Yada..Power increased..Doctor advised me this and that..I was like ok ok.Had an idea about lasic.Unfortunately as per Doctor Tan (fyra's families doctor) there are plenty of issues that I need to consider before I proceed. Furthermore loads of precautions before and after should I considerate..*eeeyaakk*.Frankly his ram idea somewhere somehow, nearly cut my throat.So..Next time..
Basically, these days, I do not have time to online and even read newspaper.Life getting busy ye..But somehow there are few conversations between me and my amantes somehow make my day.You may see me smile widely..Yayy....
Ann Arthur...
This woman..Hardly my day aint no complete without texting her.We wats app and oh yeah..Line help both of us stay connected as well..She complaint did I break up with her..due lambat reply!!!Alahai..Ko ann...!!
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She claimed she missed me.But emoticon said another way..hahha..I miss you giler =) |
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The moment I ffk her for skype..Hahha... |
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Ann's complaint..The moment ignore her Line..=p |
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Ko mampu reply macam ni..Cut my throat ye!! |
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See..Group Makan Bitch...Due outing kerja makan je.... |
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Bitches talks..LOL..... |
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Cheesy ** |
I managed to met them at last.Is like super meriah kot..Adohai..I miss you guys...Gamat ye Devi's corner malam tu..hahahha..
These days..I do have new addiction..Oh ya..I have two (2) pair of shoes.Custom made.It design at your own choice by local.The price range in between RM 80 and above..Oh and I am sharing these with my beloved bapa hayam pedro..Syaffiq Idham...
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Both shoes are custom made by Danielle..Super comfy ok..4 inch I can stand longer..Less back ache.... |
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He taught me how to take care the shoes!!Curlast... |
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Bitches Talk!!! |
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The Babies..Before sent to nursery...lalala |
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Finally!!!..I guess I need a big closet to place more shoes...Yay!! |
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Hiya Blog!!!
Is October yo!!!!
Ok, 2 weeks ago..huh ok la precise sikit on 1st October ..I met up my bestie since high school.Dari umur I 13 tahun sehingga la dah jadi 25 tahun ye!!.
Even, quite sometimes I balik Penang. But jarang la jumpa si...Syaffiq Idham..Si bapa ayam Pedro and recently Braun Buffel....
He text me few days before he arrived and arrange a time to hook up..hahha...Date la sengal coffee time together..Supposedly it should be on 3rd..Somehow Syaffiq have something and thank goodness I was available on that time...
So finally we meet after quite a year I must said.I did not see him..Then bila jumpa..hah...tak cukup masa nak cerita semua ye...But we sempat tangkap gambar..hahhaah
I met up with another 2 friends Azam and his lover.Sadly I am not be able to remember the name..Teruk kan Cik Fyra?
Sempat pul 3 orang ni hentam aku.."So what is your status? Single or attached"?
Hmm...Parah sungguh soalan ni..
Terus aku jawab..Single at this moment..Terus Si Azam mencelah.."apasal setiap kali aku jumpa ko..Jawapan sama ye..Apa takda laki minat kat ko ke"?.Heran aku..
Jawapan Cik Fyra.." Hmm no idea...tak sampai seru lagi..But at this time..single is not bad after all..I still nak pakai Balenciaga Shoes, Hermes Bag dan jam tangan Cartier..Infact..I dream flying to Paris, and watching sunset at Bali"!
Terkesima si Azam..Siap aku cakap.." I am looking a guy who in different field to be with me..Such as let me see...Architect ke..*statement*..
"I still feeling feeling want my babe to look good fact bila dia pakai long sleeves from Armani Exchange, with cufflink from Links of London and .I found it sexy when I am adjusted his tie from Hugo...
Terkesima 3 orang manusia depan aku..Azam..*statement ko buat aku pengsan*...hahhaha...dalam duk bruk brek bruk brek...terlupa nak capture picture with them...Hmm...
In the end..Hah..ambik..sempat pula aku pose dengan Syaffiq..siap dia complaint...
"Babe, your handbag overshadow me tau!!harus la kan..that's the purposed..Well you may take out KL from me, but not my handbag from me!!!
Till then...XOXO....
Is October yo!!!!
Ok, 2 weeks ago..huh ok la precise sikit on 1st October ..I met up my bestie since high school.Dari umur I 13 tahun sehingga la dah jadi 25 tahun ye!!.
Even, quite sometimes I balik Penang. But jarang la jumpa si...Syaffiq Idham..Si bapa ayam Pedro and recently Braun Buffel....
He text me few days before he arrived and arrange a time to hook up..hahha...Date la sengal coffee time together..Supposedly it should be on 3rd..Somehow Syaffiq have something and thank goodness I was available on that time...
So finally we meet after quite a year I must said.I did not see him..Then bila jumpa..hah...tak cukup masa nak cerita semua ye...But we sempat tangkap gambar..hahhaah
I met up with another 2 friends Azam and his lover.Sadly I am not be able to remember the name..Teruk kan Cik Fyra?
Sempat pul 3 orang ni hentam aku.."So what is your status? Single or attached"?
Hmm...Parah sungguh soalan ni..
Terus aku jawab..Single at this moment..Terus Si Azam mencelah.."apasal setiap kali aku jumpa ko..Jawapan sama ye..Apa takda laki minat kat ko ke"?.Heran aku..
Jawapan Cik Fyra.." Hmm no idea...tak sampai seru lagi..But at this time..single is not bad after all..I still nak pakai Balenciaga Shoes, Hermes Bag dan jam tangan Cartier..Infact..I dream flying to Paris, and watching sunset at Bali"!
Terkesima si Azam..Siap aku cakap.." I am looking a guy who in different field to be with me..Such as let me see...Architect ke..*statement*..
"I still feeling feeling want my babe to look good fact bila dia pakai long sleeves from Armani Exchange, with cufflink from Links of London and .I found it sexy when I am adjusted his tie from Hugo...
Terkesima 3 orang manusia depan aku..Azam..*statement ko buat aku pengsan*...hahhaha...dalam duk bruk brek bruk brek...terlupa nak capture picture with them...Hmm...
In the end..Hah..ambik..sempat pula aku pose dengan Syaffiq..siap dia complaint...
Till then...XOXO....
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