"They say nothing lasts forever; dreams change, trends come and go, but friendships never go out of style".
So...after a week with parents..I back to KL..spent time with the amantes (the loved ones)
Seems life is pretty occupied but I managed to spend time with them....
Yesterday on 20th after came back from home.I spent few hours with Icha over some brunch and desserts..Our best spot Pavilion la..mana lagi..Dari Gucci Ke H & M..survey this and that...
Like super meriah kot due lama gila tak jumpa kan..However most of the days we text each other tanya khabar.."Thats how friends do right"?
What I am trying to say is..Friends doesnt need to be together 24/7 kan, but texting or calling each other twice or thrice or a month both of you still updating each other status.Like dah kawen ke, pengsan ke,pitam or anything..
I do have a friends who fly here and there and when he/she has times rasa rasa inbox message tu penuh cerita..I don't know how others define friends kan..Silent in arrogant or elegance? I let you to decide...* eh apakah cerita ini sudah lari topik?**
Sempat la aku dengan Icha menganyam ketupat, rebus, and etc. Wohoo...I think the worst part I forced him to go to Bens.Nak makan Aiskrim..hahaha..the sundae was uh lalala.......I love when he asked me..Hows your preparation for study soon..Aku jawab je..Nervous, Excited and Thrill
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The bestie...... =) |
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So today.We did movie, eating session, talking session and facial inquiries..
Hah..Tengok cerita Hotel Transylavania..Zarina was worried at first place..She thought "are you sure this movie is cool?
Slumber je aku jawab.."Trust me..with my present movie tak best pun jadi best ya "
Like Bleh, bleh,bleh...Hah boleh statement macam tu kan...
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"If you are single there is always one thing you should take out with you on a Saturday night: your friends". |
It was fun with the girl...Alahai....When Zarina send me back home..We had girls talk..Saat tu aku rasa nak nangis kejap..hahah...I keep it as a secret la ye..Oh ya and she asked the same questions like Ichaa.."How you feel to be student again and how far is the preparations?"
Aku jawab je.. I feel thrilled due again I jadi student balik..Which means I sacrifice few stuff..Such as my night life..This and that..I feel it is quite challenges as well due I am working and at the same time I am studying. I feel excited to try new environment, meeting new friends and learn something new.
Nervous..Hmm...Do not know how it will be...Over all this courses will take my times 2 years.So I wish all gotta be ok..Life is fun aite....
I am counting the days obviously..I still do not receive the time table and etc from the end side.Will follow up ASAP!!
These days, my day live to the fullest..I trying hard to blend with student life..Reading a plenty of books..
It fills with running at gym,sometimes accompany Shane at pool having a talk with him, reading novels, articles and times with the amantes..pergh....Kerana excited nak belajar..Terfikir nak shopping pencil case..Terus adik aku cakap kat mama.." Mama, I think she will not fill it with stationary..
Mama replied.."Then? What you mean? Adik said : "Trust me, with her make up"!!
Saat tu aku rasa nak blender je adik..Adik oh adik..Mujur ko adik kesayangan aku..Kalau tak ada je kena rasa hempok or terlempar dalam washing machine kan..hehehhhe...
Ok la..till then...
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