Hiya Blog,
Unfortunately my Shanghai trip has been post phone due unforeseen circumstances..
My daddy and mummy not feeling well enough..To be fair and square it is better for me to delay and carry forward in future time.
No penalty charges has been imposed.Ticket valid for 6 month and can be changed 3 times.Thank you for choosing Business Class with MAS!! *Boleh advertised macam tu?**
Then a week ago..I spend time at Penang..Plus I do some medical check about my eyes and teeth..
Yada Yada..Power increased..Doctor advised me this and that..I was like ok ok.Had an idea about lasic.Unfortunately as per Doctor Tan (fyra's families doctor) there are plenty of issues that I need to consider before I proceed. Furthermore loads of precautions before and after should I considerate..*eeeyaakk*.Frankly his ram idea somewhere somehow, nearly cut my throat.So..Next time..
Basically, these days, I do not have time to online and even read newspaper.Life getting busy ye..But somehow there are few conversations between me and my amantes somehow make my day.You may see me smile widely..Yayy....
Ann Arthur...
This woman..Hardly my day aint no complete without texting her.We wats app and oh yeah..Line help both of us stay connected as well..She complaint did I break up with her..due lambat reply!!!Alahai..Ko ann...!!
* Now aku rasa very lessy ye*...
She claimed she missed me.But emoticon said another way..hahha..I miss you giler =)
The moment I ffk her for skype..Hahha... |
Ann's complaint..The moment ignore her Line..=p |
Ko mampu reply macam ni..Cut my throat ye!! |
So yada yada..This woman even she in US...We still keep in touch bagai nak rak.That was one time..I was sneaking around at office and skype her..Must be during her big day..Buff day..hahhaha....
Hmm ...I miss the clan..Sapa lagi..Joanna, Tallitha and Harith...I met them early of this month..hahaha..Organize by Jo..
See..Group Makan Bitch...Due outing kerja makan je.... |
Bitches talks..LOL..... |
Cheesy ** |
I managed to met them at last.Is like super meriah kot..Adohai..I miss you guys...Gamat ye Devi's corner malam tu..hahahha..
These days..I do have new addiction..Oh ya..I have two (2) pair of shoes.Custom made.It design at your own choice by local.The price range in between RM 80 and above..Oh and I am sharing these with my beloved bapa hayam pedro..Syaffiq Idham...
Both shoes are custom made by Danielle..Super comfy ok..4 inch I can stand longer..Less back ache....
I am google la sana sini copy paster here and there and coming out what shoes that I want..lalalal....
He taught me how to take care the shoes!!Curlast...
Bitches Talk!!! |
For upcoming month I design royal blue..Hmm believe you guys watched Sex and The City 1.Where Sarah Jessica Parker wore blue shoes during her big day with Mr Big.I pick that colour..And it gonna be royal blue, satin material which I am gonna wear to Evan wedding..Auw...hahaha..
I feel happy these days..I am managed to nursing my babies last night...hahaha...Yang sempat...la..First kasut.Then outfit..Last handbags!!!!
The Babies..Before sent to nursery...lalala |
Finally!!!..I guess I need a big closet to place more shoes...Yay!!
“I like my money right where I can see it... hanging in my closet."
So..That's for now..Will be right back with more stories to write...I better get some rest..Is a girls day at Kiara's tomorrow..
Life is great by the way.Alive and Kicking!!!
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