I didn't pen down about my study for quite some time. Yes it has been 3 awesome years with tears and joy as a student.
There is no doubt is not as easy as everyone thought. Besides the negativity and challenges I had kan.
Comes from a background of hoteliers you can imagine what kind of lifestyle I have right. Besides late night party, I could say hotel is my 2nd house where I spent more than 8 hours over there.
I do admit on my previous years, party with girls is a must must and yes yes during weekend (freetime).So when I say I want to study, I can say my aunty and uncle (I reckon aunty and uncle) criticize that I couldn't go with it and cope as well ( korang nampak tak takde positvity dia kasi,beside dia condemn ko tak hingat dunia). Sempat juga diaorang bagi pesanan khidmat masyarakat yang berbunyi macam ni " betul ka dia nak study? boleh ka".
Being an asshole once doesn't mean I am gonna be an asshole forever kan (cepat tampar muka tu). Rasanya semua orang berhak nak berubah which is no judgment rite. The only persons that I feel support throughout my study journey are my mum,dad,sister,Ann,Nur,my those previous lecturer in ICHM, and some people n my life. Forgive me if I can't list all your names but I will remember those that besides me when I was down and back me up to stay ahead and being a fighter.
Years by years with some tears masa buat assignment,beside air liur basi kat meja study, panic attack bila nak submit assignment to turnitin, notes basah,notes koyak, cartoon lagi best dari baca buku, english article yang bapak high tech, internet cut off,electric tetiba takde,bila kemalasan bermaharajalela,dating dating (ok ini poyo sikit) and few more la I manage to complete my journey!!
To everyone that helped me throughout my MBA journey,
First and foremost, I have to thank Allah S.W.T for so many things when I knew I wasn't commiting to him the way I supposed to. Thank you to my precious family for your prayerful support.Thank you to my lovely friends for your friendship,care and fun.Thank you professors and lecturers for the wisdom and guidance you shown to me.
Even when circumstances may cause me to fall, a word of encouragement rises in me causing me to not give up and assuring Allah already has plan for me-Life full of hope and brighter future.
To those that criticize me, thank you for allow me to rise and shine bright like a diamond (ok statement minta penampar). As for me, I am happy and looking forward over my graduation next year on May 2016. Beside, I want to do what I have left before embark this MBA journey, a deep rest,looking for swolemate ,get married (maybe) before continue my phD (ins sha allah).
Thursday, December 10, 2015
My Favourite Stack!!!
As I embark to my FIT Life Journey obviously there are up and down on the other side.
Besides,muscle cramps,body sore and few in the list I am easily exhausted recently. And I noticed, due previously my work place and home just few mins away I always get a nap before run to gym.
As I moved to new work place, I straight away to gym. With 30 mins walk to KLCC before reach Avenue K always left me half way dying. Thus I have refer my so call keletihan Cik Bedah yang sangat penat bila nak lift. And serious shit I feel like aunty at one point.
Thus, Karmen had suggest this BCAA in order to deal with my fatigue. I did ask Noland about this as well. Yeah, Noland a friend of mine who is body builder suggest the same thing . So dong dang dong dang on one fine day (hari yang tak berapa nak fine) I went to GNC for this golden cure. And ya I manage to get it. Beside the free consultant suruh ambik whey protein to stay lean this and that even the consetan tak de la fit bagai. (geram pula aku )
But before Cik Afira purchase, of coz la she did her research kang lepas makan jadi hulk lagu mana? Naya oi!! (ok imaginasi sangat hebat).
Specifically Cik Afira purchase this BCAA (branched chain amino acids).
Besides,muscle cramps,body sore and few in the list I am easily exhausted recently. And I noticed, due previously my work place and home just few mins away I always get a nap before run to gym.
As I moved to new work place, I straight away to gym. With 30 mins walk to KLCC before reach Avenue K always left me half way dying. Thus I have refer my so call keletihan Cik Bedah yang sangat penat bila nak lift. And serious shit I feel like aunty at one point.
Thus, Karmen had suggest this BCAA in order to deal with my fatigue. I did ask Noland about this as well. Yeah, Noland a friend of mine who is body builder suggest the same thing . So dong dang dong dang on one fine day (hari yang tak berapa nak fine) I went to GNC for this golden cure. And ya I manage to get it. Beside the free consultant suruh ambik whey protein to stay lean this and that even the consetan tak de la fit bagai. (geram pula aku )
But before Cik Afira purchase, of coz la she did her research kang lepas makan jadi hulk lagu mana? Naya oi!! (ok imaginasi sangat hebat).
Specifically Cik Afira purchase this BCAA (branched chain amino acids).
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Caffeine-Keeps you going man!! |
Saturday, December 5, 2015
My F.I.T Life Journey
I refuse to go into 2015 with another failed "resolution" to lose weight and get healthy!
Yes..after I realized end of December my weight gaining tremendously thus I must do something before it's too late.
1st January 2015 was my memorable date.As that was the time my friend and I went to health club.
(p/s:bukan bermaksud Cik Afira tak pernah pegi exercise.I am a green belt level 2 in taekwondo and do some hiking(before).But KL tiada bukit berdekatan selain Bukit Bintang and Bukit Nanas thus pembiakan berat itu sangat berjaya!!)
So.I signed up at Fitness First..dung dang dung dang (and I can see my money flew off successfully).Since kaedahnya new year,banyak la yang sign up bermotifkan nak kurus bagai.Plus ada la promotion itu ini.(Jangan kata shopping je ada sales,gym pon ada sales).Thus,bermula la kisah nak kurus.
Last my heaviest weight was 90kg .And when I joined Fitness First it was 79kg.But ya I am not fit and easily exhausted.
My 1st,2nd and 3rd day doesn't have much activity and I only utilize the wave machine.
And on the day 4, I meet a devil who act like an angel name Karmen Khoo.She is my personal trainer until now.
It has some changes,as my original trainer was a guy name Azhar.But due some hiccups, she took over the charge.
I thought I could bully her,and she tought I am the alive bitch on earth.So ya, we have different perception on each other.
At first my trainer analyze the body fat and do some balance activity and ya I was exhausted as hell.She ask what I eat daily from breakfast till dinner.My body fat on that time was 48% yes and I was not healthy and fat.
At that time I was addicted to Nasi Lemak and all the unhealthy thing..Sebab semua ni kan sedap..She urge me to stop immediately.And you have No Idea how fierce she was.
Then Ya..I took the challenge and trying to change.A following day of training sangat azab and I suffered a bad sore.I feel all my limbs,bones macam dah takde and can you imagine how I walk to work.Yes, kengkang!!
After a while, I get used.And I continue signed up more session with her.Yes,she kills me to the max!!
And I start on a right track month after month.Another my motivator is Toh Wai Loon.Wai Loon is a home gym junkie and ya one of fit guy that I know. He likes outdoor to the max and practising HIIT(High Intensity Interval Training) for quite some times.And Wai Loon did give some tips and exercise routine for me to practise
Over a time, I feel better than before.I took part my 1st night run with NIKE at ZOUK KL and ya I am survived!! It was only 4.5km.
The journey doesn't end as I started to do weight and cardio as well.For starting I joined a body pump class.
Body pump is a total body workout with bars.And that's how I fall in love with weight.It is fun.I start on April with 2.5 kg and since then I never stop keep adding my bars.I am proud to say I am able to squats with weight 22.5 kg with the less mills bars and 40 kg with squats smith machine.Well that achievement!!!
As time pass by I do notice I am getting better than before.On the left it was me,April 2014 and on the right was in July 2015.
Yes I did slightly show some changes but again I am not planning to stop as for now.Speaking about my trainer,on how she motivates me.Trust me she never praised me in a very POSITIVE WAY.She used to call me fat and hippo (kejam kan) but all her training I never failed to perform (ko ada).Meaning I am able to make her bitch mouth zip!!
The moment this blog done I am still heavy as my muscle weight has been increased from 14 % to 25 % less than 1 year and my body fat as for now is at 41%.My target is 35% at the end of December which I hope I am able to achieve it.
In case you wondering how is my trainer look alike.Tadaa....
Yes..after I realized end of December my weight gaining tremendously thus I must do something before it's too late.
1st January 2015 was my memorable date.As that was the time my friend and I went to health club.
(p/s:bukan bermaksud Cik Afira tak pernah pegi exercise.I am a green belt level 2 in taekwondo and do some hiking(before).But KL tiada bukit berdekatan selain Bukit Bintang and Bukit Nanas thus pembiakan berat itu sangat berjaya!!)
So.I signed up at Fitness First..dung dang dung dang (and I can see my money flew off successfully).Since kaedahnya new year,banyak la yang sign up bermotifkan nak kurus bagai.Plus ada la promotion itu ini.(Jangan kata shopping je ada sales,gym pon ada sales).Thus,bermula la kisah nak kurus.
Last my heaviest weight was 90kg .And when I joined Fitness First it was 79kg.But ya I am not fit and easily exhausted.
My 1st,2nd and 3rd day doesn't have much activity and I only utilize the wave machine.
And on the day 4, I meet a devil who act like an angel name Karmen Khoo.She is my personal trainer until now.
It has some changes,as my original trainer was a guy name Azhar.But due some hiccups, she took over the charge.
I thought I could bully her,and she tought I am the alive bitch on earth.So ya, we have different perception on each other.
At first my trainer analyze the body fat and do some balance activity and ya I was exhausted as hell.She ask what I eat daily from breakfast till dinner.My body fat on that time was 48% yes and I was not healthy and fat.
At that time I was addicted to Nasi Lemak and all the unhealthy thing..Sebab semua ni kan sedap..She urge me to stop immediately.And you have No Idea how fierce she was.
Then Ya..I took the challenge and trying to change.A following day of training sangat azab and I suffered a bad sore.I feel all my limbs,bones macam dah takde and can you imagine how I walk to work.Yes, kengkang!!
After a while, I get used.And I continue signed up more session with her.Yes,she kills me to the max!!
And I start on a right track month after month.Another my motivator is Toh Wai Loon.Wai Loon is a home gym junkie and ya one of fit guy that I know. He likes outdoor to the max and practising HIIT(High Intensity Interval Training) for quite some times.And Wai Loon did give some tips and exercise routine for me to practise
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My fav bro on scene |
Over a time, I feel better than before.I took part my 1st night run with NIKE at ZOUK KL and ya I am survived!! It was only 4.5km.
The journey doesn't end as I started to do weight and cardio as well.For starting I joined a body pump class.
Body pump is a total body workout with bars.And that's how I fall in love with weight.It is fun.I start on April with 2.5 kg and since then I never stop keep adding my bars.I am proud to say I am able to squats with weight 22.5 kg with the less mills bars and 40 kg with squats smith machine.Well that achievement!!!
As time pass by I do notice I am getting better than before.On the left it was me,April 2014 and on the right was in July 2015.
Yes I did slightly show some changes but again I am not planning to stop as for now.Speaking about my trainer,on how she motivates me.Trust me she never praised me in a very POSITIVE WAY.She used to call me fat and hippo (kejam kan) but all her training I never failed to perform (ko ada).Meaning I am able to make her bitch mouth zip!!
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Left : April 2014 Right : July 2015 |
The moment this blog done I am still heavy as my muscle weight has been increased from 14 % to 25 % less than 1 year and my body fat as for now is at 41%.My target is 35% at the end of December which I hope I am able to achieve it.
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As this picture taken I am at 41% body fat.Hoping to achieve 35 % |
Friday, December 4, 2015
The Last Battle
If it should be that I grow weak,
And pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then you must do what must be done,
For this last battle cannot be won.
You will be sad, I understand;
Don't let your grief then stay your hand.
For this day more than all the rest,
Your love for me must stand the test.
We've had so many happy years -
What is to come can hold no fears.
You'd not want me to suffer so;
The time has come, so let me go.
Take me where my needs they'll tend
And please stay with me until the end.
Hold me firm and speak to me
Until my eyes no longer see.
I know in time that you will see
The kindness that you did for me.
Although my tail its last has waved,
From pain and suffering I've been saved.
Please do not grieve - it must be you
Who had this painful thing to do.
We've been so close, we two, these years -
Don't let your heart hold back its tears.
And pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then you must do what must be done,
For this last battle cannot be won.
You will be sad, I understand;
Don't let your grief then stay your hand.
For this day more than all the rest,
Your love for me must stand the test.
We've had so many happy years -
What is to come can hold no fears.
You'd not want me to suffer so;
The time has come, so let me go.
Take me where my needs they'll tend
And please stay with me until the end.
Hold me firm and speak to me
Until my eyes no longer see.
I know in time that you will see
The kindness that you did for me.
Although my tail its last has waved,
From pain and suffering I've been saved.
Please do not grieve - it must be you
Who had this painful thing to do.
We've been so close, we two, these years -
Don't let your heart hold back its tears.
Author Unknown
Sunday, July 26, 2015
No post
27th July 2015
It has been an ages I didn't pen down my thoughts.I have plenty of stories to tell.But let me start with the rude and heart broken story.
Once upon a time...Not so long we was so good in sense of friendships.We get along over laughed and stupid jokes and I thank you over these.
However,things change which I have no idea all this time she has problem with me and it was left unspoken.It happened,Nur's turned one year older and yay is time for celebrations.
Who doesn't love the birthday celebrations.So I was telling Ms Z and Nur we will out over lunch over the weekend as it was the day I was free from anything.
So,Z was ok and after that planned changed to dinner.She claimed is it ok she joined the dinner near to her work place after 6pm.For me it was ok caused near to her work place and the time is just fine.
And out of sudden she informed she has to stay back on Sunday and she did asked is upcoming Monday was ok.
As for me,I work on shift and I did informed my work off day.So I was joke with her Monday is fine and if you can't make it I will hang you at KLCC.
To my surprised,her replied was effing fucking rude and macam gampang.As per her
"Ko nak gantung aku...this time ko adjust la schedule ko.Ko tau kan selama ni aku je yang nak kena ikut ko...penat la aku terkejar sana sini."AND ETC
Perasaan aku..Sebab ko rapat aku rasa..If not penumbuk tepat ke muka kau.Entahlah itu yang aku terbayang sekarang.Well I don't deserved this.In fact at first I did say I am ok so what's the point you triggered me.Ko mental ke hapa.
Entahlah....Tido lagi bagus
It has been an ages I didn't pen down my thoughts.I have plenty of stories to tell.But let me start with the rude and heart broken story.
Once upon a time...Not so long we was so good in sense of friendships.We get along over laughed and stupid jokes and I thank you over these.
However,things change which I have no idea all this time she has problem with me and it was left unspoken.It happened,Nur's turned one year older and yay is time for celebrations.
Who doesn't love the birthday celebrations.So I was telling Ms Z and Nur we will out over lunch over the weekend as it was the day I was free from anything.
So,Z was ok and after that planned changed to dinner.She claimed is it ok she joined the dinner near to her work place after 6pm.For me it was ok caused near to her work place and the time is just fine.
And out of sudden she informed she has to stay back on Sunday and she did asked is upcoming Monday was ok.
As for me,I work on shift and I did informed my work off day.So I was joke with her Monday is fine and if you can't make it I will hang you at KLCC.
To my surprised,her replied was effing fucking rude and macam gampang.As per her
"Ko nak gantung aku...this time ko adjust la schedule ko.Ko tau kan selama ni aku je yang nak kena ikut ko...penat la aku terkejar sana sini."AND ETC
Perasaan aku..Sebab ko rapat aku rasa..If not penumbuk tepat ke muka kau.Entahlah itu yang aku terbayang sekarang.Well I don't deserved this.In fact at first I did say I am ok so what's the point you triggered me.Ko mental ke hapa.
Entahlah....Tido lagi bagus
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