Besides,muscle cramps,body sore and few in the list I am easily exhausted recently. And I noticed, due previously my work place and home just few mins away I always get a nap before run to gym.
As I moved to new work place, I straight away to gym. With 30 mins walk to KLCC before reach Avenue K always left me half way dying. Thus I have refer my so call keletihan Cik Bedah yang sangat penat bila nak lift. And serious shit I feel like aunty at one point.
Thus, Karmen had suggest this BCAA in order to deal with my fatigue. I did ask Noland about this as well. Yeah, Noland a friend of mine who is body builder suggest the same thing . So dong dang dong dang on one fine day (hari yang tak berapa nak fine) I went to GNC for this golden cure. And ya I manage to get it. Beside the free consultant suruh ambik whey protein to stay lean this and that even the consetan tak de la fit bagai. (geram pula aku )
But before Cik Afira purchase, of coz la she did her research kang lepas makan jadi hulk lagu mana? Naya oi!! (ok imaginasi sangat hebat).
Specifically Cik Afira purchase this BCAA (branched chain amino acids).
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Caffeine-Keeps you going man!! |
BCAA's are helpful for maintaning muscle mass while on a calorie-deficit diet and reducing the rate of protein breakdown(Norton,2015). Besides,it prevent fatigue during workout.As per Noland it should be take before, during and after workout. But trust me for the gym junkie like me 2 is fine. Just fine ! Maybe 3 at least! I admire the BCAA works well with me where I can go more during the workout. With cardio for 60 mins and lifting over 30 mins you can survive. But my 2 cents advise, plan your work out especially people like me that went late evening. This product may caused you having difficulty to sleep for past few days. But it works fine after that.
You able to survive and stay focus and sweat like hell. Kinda sound like good work out kan !! But remain hydrated during workout as I figure out it keep me drinks plenty of plain water during exercise.
I do noticed, it helps reduce my muscle sore and recovery as well. Again, I only consume when I workout, and if I want to workout by 7 pm. I took this 30 mins with half scoop and 1 1/2 during workout. Mixed with cold water and it taste good. I choose this instead redbull or some vitamin water as for me la!!
Karmen told me the grape flavour taste better than others. Ok as for this, aku cuba percaya ! Lets say aku tukar flavour kang tak sedap takkan nak hadap sebekas kot!!
As I consume this, I also eat something before workout. Trust me you can't workout with an empty stomach. Maybe light run is ok without food.But at one point you can't.
My trick 30-45 mins before workout, I snack on some energy bar/ oat cookies/ or buns. But I do fancy banana.Why? Don't get me wrong with that fruit. It keep you full and energize. And most important ko tak de nak pening pitam bagai. I had this experienced of nak pening nak muntah and it was so ugly. My advise munch something light and drink a bit of BCAA before start workout.
The ugliest thing I experienced due Cik Afira tak makan. I have to tell Karmen,my trainer that I want to vomit and we stop the session. While Cik Afira cari gym vendor machine looking for energy bar to eat. Karmen? Dia gelak macam setan!!
p/S : time to buy my 2nd BCAA soon!!
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