Friday, July 15, 2011

I am back to rock my world!!!

Dah berkurun aku x jenguk blog..haha..mencari vakum,mop and etc untuk kemas kemas kan habuk di sekeliling blog ni muahahaha...LOL..
A loads of things i would like to share..perhaps..or just spitting around what i had been through all this time,relationships,holidays,friendships and etc..
I do realized.I am getting old day by day..haha..terus cari alternatif lain BOTOX untuk kekali muda..The point each day each year i experienced or faced loads of things..Even sometimes kadang 2 aku fikir..Is it this is me? The one that people knew or new me or etc etc...
Is not easy to please your ownself anyway..I am blessed what I am HAVING Now..Maybe small list as below to show the bless thingy given By Allah to me..Alhamdullilah..
a) Great parents...
b) Awesome friends and new families members.
c) Job and post
d)Great home..
e) Food
and so and so..
Well anyway..I bet i should sit and write properly about this and that..Life is good but I do missed someone badly.A guy who is actually succeeded makes me confused after the dinner over a month ago..sumpah aku tidak lalu atau pijak kawasan itu dah..Motif..Hiba gila..For the first of my life..(Due aku nie agak2 iron lady kan..jarang nak nangis x tentu pasal) I cried and hate to say goodbye...Kalau la aku tahu nie yang bakal aku terima..(Feeling tidak tentu arah ) Sumpah aku x terima dinner invitation tue..
And now after back from dinner alone at QuaySide terus aku hanyot dengan perasaan tidak tentu arah nie lagi..Hebat gila penangan mamat nie dow....
Ok la aku nak buat signature terkelentang aka membuta..Nanti aku akan cerita semua dari segi dinner yang confuse, disaster holidays, guest yang kerjy dan segala bagai...
~la moitiƩ de moi, la moitiƩ d'entre vous~


  1. cik fyra boaaa sila story lebih sikit pasal disaster holiday itu okeyy..pg2 td pn i dh tgelak sampai tbatuk2 baca email u yg x senonoh itu ekekeke
