Monday, December 31, 2012

The Majestic KL

The Majestic KL Moment...20th November - 28th November 2012.

My Chapter in 2012 ...

The moment I hit office after from short trip.Mr LKS dengan happynya berWatsapp told me.."Fyra you gotta be at Majestic for 8 days"

Muka aku dah biru.."kejap je kan boss"..Ye kejap je as per him....

Maka bermula la episod Cik Fyra di tempat baru..Yayy!!!

First day kat sana.."Ada dah makhluk Allah yang mengirim salam" But tak boleh blah menggunakan orang tengah..*Abang oi..sekarang zaman moden, gentleman la skit!! Even aku yang perempuan ni, not being bitch la,being friendly when I saw someone that I feel I am interested to know. Tak kira laki ke perempuan.
But as per orang tengah itu " Orang yang mengirim salam tu tak sanggup sebab muka Cik Fyra nampak sombong dan garang"

"Oh tidak..Terus rasa nak buat oppa gangnam style dance" Opp Opppa..Seems Cik Fyra cuma diam dan tak menunjukkan tanda tanda minat untuk tahu gerangan makhluk Allah itu maka orang tengah itu telah surrender. FYI..Cik Fyra tak suka Si orang tengah tu.Bila Cik Fyra tak suka.The best way I can do is silence!!.Even her own nature, Cik Fyra bukan la pendiam!!! But si orang tengah tetap berjuang nak cerita dengan lebih lajut si Makhluk Allah.Terus Priya kidnap bawa aku jalan jalan..I love You Sayang!!!!
*terus teringat kes Si Bendul yang tak berputus asa ajak aku keluar.Jadi bahan aku dengan Icha je..Layak la kena treatment tunggu sampai biol kan*

-p/s: hanya aku dengan Icha tahu siapa si Bendul itu.LOL..But as per Icha.Muka Si Bendul sangat citarasa..Pengsan!!

Back to the story my present at TMKL is to assist my bestie Ms Priyazri Kalai Cheelvan. So basically, I trained her the basic of Duty Manager. Which consist of checking the rate code, room format and etc. I start with scratch when I was there due the hotel not open yet. It was open for simulation.It was such precious experience due I learnt for opening stages , hows the progress and etc.
Defects? Jangan cakap banyak kot!!..8 days was not easy. The hotels have 300 rooms and divide into 2 towers. Majestic Tower and Tower Wing ( the old building).

First night, my duty with Priya, I taught her these and that and explain to her in details what she need to do.
We did our first patrolling the hotel together. Guess what? Kitaorang nyaris nak kena kejar dengan Rotweiler..Wakaka..Itu anjing security yang punya.Tak boleh blah, pak guard tido, anjing berjaga (so, our presence awake the guard ye).Thank god it was chained.Otherwise, you know where to find both of us.Hospital la ye!!

After that, we patrol to old wing, hah..Here the icing on the cake....We all terkena..In sense ada orang seret barang sound.On that time, we check defects to place in report. It was around in between 3 or 4 am.Why I said so? We know whose working on that night. We know our night staff manning, in fact it was at back lane and yet like I said, the building not open to public yet
Priya yang senget masa dengar, on the spot she said " Eh babe, do you heard that"?

The place that make my heart beat near to stop!!!
I was like..Hmmm....Then terus aku tarik tangan dia, dan jalan selaju yang mungkin ke hotel.I felt the path we taken jauh ok..hahah..kalau you all cakap pelari negara lari laju, jantung aku lagi laju berdegup ye..macam nak pengsan then merangkak or whatever.Aku ketar kut.On that time, aku macam nak ketuk Si Priya!!!
Enough of this part, we move on the view of these hotels and the location. Hotel Location is next to Old Railway Train Station. The building is vava voom!!!
Here are the pictures of this hotel.

The Pool. 

The Orchid Garden
The Bathroom 
The Room
8 days, move so fast. There are things that I learned as well. It was cool and valuable experience. (Now feeling feeling tulis resume lol) Even I do have near so- cut throat yang terus Cik Fyra telah mencarut tanpa rasa bersalah dan dan....end up telah di remove dari FB.Maka Cik Fyra bersuka ria memblockkan makhluk Allah itu (tersalah cerita ke )...

Everyday, since first day until my day 8, Mr LKS is the persons I always text to update the progress and seek out some advice/opinions sometimes. It was good dow. And I realized I missed the colleague.Yay!!!

p/s : I managed to do the crab dance..Wah wah..Since my first night duty I had a crab dance even at lobby.LOL..and seems Kak Su missed it so much.

The Majestic KL Peeps!!!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

........A thought......

"We delight in the promise of falling for love.
We crumble in the dread of falling from love.
Everyone falls. Everything falls".

Friday, December 28, 2012

Ridwan's Wedding

Hola Lovah!!

I know is kinda late, but better THEN never update..My partner in crime already married!!! Sapa lagi Ridwan Rozaid.Yayy!!!!Congrats nonok!! On that day itself, Julyana, Kak Romaja, Shima and I, bertungkus lumus kerja nak habis cepat ye...Aduh...Sharp Sharp pukul 3 hah dah siap but Kuan pula sakit perut..Bung bang bung bang..hah pukul 4 pm tepat kitaorang berangkat ke Sungai Buloh dengan our pilot..Mr Lim Khoon Sing..Maka merempit la 2 kereta dari Vistana ke Sungai Buloh.vrromm vroommm.Azab lama ye..Terus perut semua orang dalam kereta berdongdang sayang...Cakpong Cakpong..(ya ke)..Lapar okeh...sampai sampai dalam 5 lebih..So dalam 1 jam lebih aku menahan kelaparan..Kesian Ko perut!!!

On the way to Ridwan's Wedding, inside Boss butt on his tie, sorry Boss!!

With The Bride and Groom

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Monday, December 24, 2012

Red and Green-Merry Christmas

Hiya Blog,

Nothing much, just received a heart full message from my deary Ann Arthur that she arrived in Dallas. She is celebrating her Christmas and New Year in New York. And as for me, I am still in my jacket and finishing my paper work before off from office soon and having short break with the girl and my god bro Ong Yew Jin =)

For god sake in my mind I just need holidays. And I am thinking about Koh Samui, Cameron Highland, Banyan Tree Bangkok, home and etc. I am thinking to back home. And out of sudden, my housemate which home that I mentioned about.Duhh!!!
Frankly, I am origin from Penang the Pearl Island and that's my hommie. And my second home located near PWTC and my third home in Sommerset Bukit Ceylon (which rarely I went there)
Yeah the question is rumah mana ye nak balik? I am decided to back to Penang. However I did not purchase air flight ticket so impossible to back home reach another 1 hour kan!! Well maybe I should back to Penang next month..For Fazz wedding, and the list go on....

I am gonna carry forward my Bali trip,my few list...Hey 2012 not bad ok...A loads of things happen kot...It gonna be massive changing yay!!!

Ok...Nothing much...Before I am leaving home and might be catch late night text with Andy..I am gonna wish Merry Christmas..Till then..

Saturday, December 22, 2012


Random....(Feeling Felling Kejap)

The greatest things in LIFE...The ability to give, receive and loose LOVE!!

You are the reason WHY I Love...Because before you, I don't truly understand what I am looking for..and now...we found each other. And we seems perfect....You give my past and future seems meaning...

Selesai sudah tengok short clip The Last....

Ok..Now sila bawa saya ke dunia nyata...Dah berkotak tisu habis kejap tengok cerita ni..

p/s : Saya mampu jiwang dalam masa 10 minit even saya garang macam singa.LOL

Rat Pack

Hiya Blog,

Last week on 16/12/12- I have been cordially invited to watch Rat Pack. So..I went with Kak Romaja and Julyana..Yayy!!If you are not sure what is Rat Pack..Sila google..Is a group tribute to Frank Sinatra and etc..Oldies in one word..But I enjoyed to the max the performance..The performance was shown at The Majestic Kuala Lumpur.Tempat aku ajar Pri..Yah!!..Hhahha

The invitation..
The Show by Rat Pack
The shows took 1 hour plus. After that photo session.....As usual...

Friday, December 21, 2012


Hiya Blog,

Seems these day I need more time..Busy gila dowh..adohai..nak update apa yang patut pon x lepoih..
I just..Just ye finished my accounting quiz.Nearly to die..Adeh..Payah sikit..

Today I feel I want to spit out, One bangang confession made by my friend's ex..
I knew Ms Z since college. She is my college mate then after we grads,we make our own path. But it doesn't stop us to contact each other.
This year 2012, are remarkable for all of us. I found her back and we became closed. I managed to see her bonda and etc. The bond is back. And she is attached and I met the boyfie in persons.

The boyfie has been intro to me.Budak budak lagi kot. My friend age 24 and the boyfie is 22. Ok fine..And I met the dude..Ok la.Since I am not so into my business and with my sombong face I don't give a damn la.
Z and I we went many places. Not 2 of us, sometimes ber 3 ber 4 and with her bonda as well.
The boyfie also cari Z during Z overnight with me at RCKL.Ok fine, I do smell insecurities in him towards us kot. So I just keep quiet.

The icing on the cake, when we went to SkyBar and at first Z Bonda should join us. However, Bonda have important meeting early morning, Bonda did not came but warned us to back home and not drink so much since Z is a good drinker. And that was the miserable night for Z when being say goodbye by this dude.Without notice kot. Due she went out without telling him..and he did before.In fact Z went with us, we didn't flirt or bring guys home.(you think we so cheap ke? Ala ala mak enon sangat)

So month after month..Z finally confront him , after she asked me ..and after Z cerita, tersembur air yang aku minum..The reason for break up is.."I DON'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE DUE YOU ALWAYS WENT OUT WITH YOUR FRIENDS AND FORGET ME"..bangang sangat alasan ko tue.
Sempat pula Z hantar barang dia bagi.Aku siap cakap dekat Z." If I am in your place, all his belongings, aku bakul sampahkan sahaja" No point nak hantar dekat rumah..Or channel to charity..But for me bakul is so funny." You feel insecurities with us, dude kita orang ajak you jual mahal, siapa yang salah..?" Terus aku feeling feeling, crown naik 10 inci.Ko tergugat dengan aku ke? LOL...Anyway..Your confession just enlightenment to us kot..Funny Funny...

Lagi tak boleh blah, since after that he start to Sms Z, whether he came to work or etc. Dafuq sangat..You so kiddo kot...



.."Nothing holds you back... Rather than you own insecurities"......

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

My precious..Nikki

Hiya Blog,

I received a good news from my far far away sister who currently reside at Holland.Auw congrats. She was with me last year fly all over from Holland to Malaysia for trip and gave me mini- heart- attack by surprised me during Birthday dinner (and I owe a trip to visit her in nearest time..I still remember babe!!).

She secretly did not told me that she was pregnant like few month ago.And I found out from Billy. Immediately I bell her. " Babe you pregnant?"
At first she denied..Then extremely laugh overjoyed."Yes..I am!"
And Fyra with her stupid question " Wait, whose the father? The same guy that you show me before?"
"Darla, you so bad..Of coz the same guy! and you are gonna be aunty in nearest time"

Finally in one fine day.LOL..She mail me and informed I am aunty now (my new status)..Auw..Sweet...Tadaaaa..I am proudly to present my precious little Nikki Alexandrea...
Once again congrats my dear for your beautiful daughter. You done a good job!!.LOL.Kidding

My Nikki

Fleur, Alex and Her brother

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Action speak louder than words!!

Hiya Blog,

I had a wonderFOOL weekend!! I feel super annoying kot!!
Balik kerja, as usual I curl up on bed before awake for reading, running or anything la. However my beautiful sleep has been disturbed.Totally disturbed.Benci tau!!!
* baru mimpi best best-dah la before mimpi very tamak, ada 10 hoodies siap tulis 'I LOVE NY' . Gara gara pegi MNG tapi tak beli!!*

I received a phone called from long lost girlfriend!!Maka disebabkan kepandaian Cik Fyra yang tak mengsilentkan handphone masa tido maka terpaksala jawab. * I realized these days people called me for sake of help**

Except parents and close friends je yang call tanya khabar.I hate this scenario.She called to borrow my shoulder to cry on. Seek for advice kaedahnya!! Maka dengan mata yang terpejam sambil peluk teddy bear Cik Fyra mengassist la panggilan telefon itu. ** La kena halau dengan boyfriend**

At first, I pissed off with her. But I don't want to be so call Ms JUDGE-MENTAL!! But I can't help myself.Does first thought count? I think it is!

Well I know Cik K lama la juga like 5 years since college time. Both of us quite close before until.. until nature change the situation.

Nature here means = pindah rumah, pindah negeri dan berkaitan status pindah memindah la.Enough to said!
She was by my side when James buat perangai when James moved from KL to SG!! So is not good for me to turn her away even this is not 1st time dia kena halau dengan Si Boyfriend yang tak berguna. *sempat aku kutuk kan**

Rasanya 3 weeks ago kes yang sama and yet cari tempat perlindungan. Yang heran, ko kena mendrem ke hapa!!

Sempat Cik Fyra jadi Nicol David smashed her by telling " Babe, I bet is too late to spin the drama.. The walls speak loud and clear!! sah sah dia tak nak kat ko that's why again ko kena halau!!

Before she was with the guy, she was reside near Bukit Bintang area. Now!! Adeh!!! Aku blur kejap.But satu je aku salute. Maintain cool 5 minit then gelabah then cool!! Aiyak!!
Ala ala macam mak Si tanggang yang maintain dayung sampan even kena halau dengan Si Anak!

Frankly, rasanya dengan 2 jam aku brainwashed dia ye!! As for me if the guy loved you indeed. Ala ala Laila Majnun ke Romeo Juliet tak de la ko kena halau.In my opinion, babe if he want to walk from your life. Just let it go, hold the fucking door and let him walk. There is no point!! As for me, "Girl you wasting your time ye"

End up, aku cakap, "sorry for this time I may advice what I believe.Yet is not first time. What I am trying to say is you are the one to decide.Even berkati kati advice aku bagi but ko tak nak ikut so what's the point"

"Am I correct?"Plus, his action clearly said " You are please to walk away from here"

** Tu la dulu, bila Cik Fyra cakap jangan tinggal sekali  tak nak dengar..Eee geramnya aku!! Now, ada masalah how la!!

As for me, this kind of relationship very risk. You dah la tak kahwin, are clearly there is no black and white or official letter to uphold your status kan.Dah jadi macam ni ala ala cuci kaki tangan muka.For betterment, it is advisable that you packed your belonging and leave and start new life. Is not too late I guess..After all love is temporary feeling cubicle by marriage. Again, if he dare to ask you out from home means he dare to treat you more badly after this. Rasanya laki macam ni bersepah merata tempat kan. Layak la ko keluar cepat cepat "It is a sign to leave him, you cried a lot than you laugh harder when you was with him".

Enough said "  When people walk away from you, let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you, and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over".

Till then.........

Saturday, December 1, 2012

A night with The Loved Ones

Hiya Blog,

Finally on 30th November 2012, I managed to see the girls. It was good to see them actually. A day before that, was with Nur over some lunch and movie, Twilight.yay!!!

Nur picked me up from my condo and headed to Zarina place. Nur felt annoyed due aku dok tergedik gedik nak nyanyi and at the same time cakap dengan dia.Hahaha..* But end up jangkit dengan aku kan*..Cis!!

I had fun dow with them. We start our girls date at Publika with the new restaurant name PickNick.Ok aku kasi 2 over 5 saja. Mujur waiter dia cute. So we had fun with him.Adeh!!!Basically food dia so so.End before we moved for a dessert. I totally warned them, not at Picknick. I rather walk a mile to Bens or any other restaurants over there.Even the waiter tried his luck to persuade us for the dessert and with a FLAT NO I reject his idea. "Dik, service korang yang lembap dan waitress yang buntot tonggek yang cakap "do you mind to wait for 15 minutes for the bills" (dengan British Slang sangat) buat kitaorang macam nak lempang owner dia..

* Cik Fyra tahu restaurant tu baru buka, and when we came they shoot for tv series, I saw Aznil and others celebrities, but not the excuse for the bills. Ko boleh key in manual kan? Plus 15 minutes ko dah exceed ke 30 minutes, harus la aku pangkah besar besar untuk datang balik dan makan kat tempat tu in near future. Never ye!! Never!!

p/s : Cik Nur sempat cakap, aku bengang gila dengan waitress dia yang buntot tonggek itu. Terus, aku , Zarina and April.Sabar ye sayang..

We moved from Picknick to any restaurant over there.Ok, I begin to love Publika after this!! At first we decide to heading to Plan B. And April said,look at the dessert nampak keras. Baling kat kepala biol ok. And finally we reached at The Bee.Enough to said, we love the place!!

With The Loved Ones at The Bee!!
Nur, even she petite but kuat makan!!
Zarina and April
Candid la sangat!!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Start the engine baby and ride with me ya.....

Hiya Blog,

Today I felt relieve, after did the accounting quiz I receive the result few days ago. I score 39/40 marks.Actually masa jawab aku nervous gila ok!! Then ada 2 soalan yang aku tak confidence nak jawabAlhamdulillah. Tak sia sia aku bangun pagi pagi study then lena balik.Now I need to gear up the engine and start my thesis.

Grr......Which means I need to read a load of journals. I still owe 1 assignment to Mr LKS.Once hit back home in one piece  * I wish * will settle ASAP. The problem with me, I love to procrastinate then start belek magazine, then boleh buka almari dan buat acara kemas mengemas.Hehhee..Buruk kan perangai..I even boleh ambik kotak bawah katil yang dalam tu ada pelbagai khazanah buku cerita..Yayyyy!! Dan guess what? Dalam kotak tu aku rasa banyak souvenir..Grrr..Aku dah order mama dengan abah suruh datang KL suruh ambik barang bawa balik Penang..Hhaha..Or sesiapa yang nak balik Penang..Boleh Tak Cik Fyra tumpang khazanah khazanah berharga dia? Tak jauh Bayan Lepas je....LOL

Perhaps, next month I am moving.Moving to another unit. But next year I am unsure. My foster families will be back and will permanently reside here. As for them, they require me to stay with them. Due aku dengan anak anak dia amat rapat. So aunty and daddy is cool.Even they always asked me to call them mummy and daddy..Haisshhhh..If I am not mistaken at Bukit Ceylon, Somerset resident area.They in the process bought the condominium at Hartamas..Whatever la!! Frankly, awal awal aku dah reject due memang la jauh dengan rumah yang aku sewa. Even aunty and uncle bagi pinjam keta drive pon aku tak nak.Dua sebab je kot

a) Lama aku tak drive. So cuak..
b) KL jam..Ko boleh meroyan ye..Meroyan..Benci ok.Penang jam pon kejap.Ni kalau jam mau aku merempan dalam keta..OH NO!!

To be fair and square.Square and round.Maka Cik Fyra telah membuat janji janji manis dengan mengatakan,
beliau akan mencemar duli tinggal kejap apabila off day dan stress..Hahaha...Siap berjanji ambik kontrak part time untuk kemas rumah.Even sah sah la bibik ikut sekali dengan depa untuk kemaih umah kan.
Terbuntang biji mata mereka.Aiyo..but I promised them once they move there, I will not reside with them but I will be more happy to visit them often.

I have 2 more years left contract with YTL..Aku rasa azab la juga.So at this point I will geared up more than often and grab whatever I can do.The moment contract habis..I will say sayonara not to only the company..But Malaysia as well.Isk aku ni dah macam lone ranger and yes I am..Rasa rasa dah 5 tahun aku dekat KL ye.Dan dan whenever I am back home in Penang. I feel I feel I am like stranger in my own place.Oh yes..memang aku blah dari Penang bersebab. And I am happy about it. ..Ok forget about it..But idea nak tinggalkan Malaysia.Still on the weighing process kot. Rasanya 2 kali opportunities nak blah ni aku tolak dari last year. If the right things comes this time.Saya, Afira Asfari will say YES!!!..*Suddenly kan*

Ok now...Now Cik Fyra dah nak make up make up dan sambung assignment.Still terpikir nak pergi for the dinner or not..Alahai......

A thought.....

" We are all afraid to say the things on our hearts. So instead we misread, assume and make everything more complicated"

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Ter.....Alkisha..Priya yang Pelat!!!

Hiya blog,

Today is my last night with her..Siapa lagi? Priya la...
So over these few days we had been through all things together together. Last night was a fun night.Mills brother check in at Majestic KL!!..Ok not the point..

I realized Priya is pelat..Pelat. ye..OMG..It start with she confidently...Confidence ye.Said Starex as a Stalex...Oh ya!!! She even makes a call to check whether the driver arrived airport yet..

Priya: " Eh abang you all dah arrived KLIA ke? Are they touch down yet?"

Driver: *^&%*^^^

Priya: " La, so early la you all arrived. What you doing there? Makan Mc Donald ke?"

Afira: " Hoi apa punya soalan? Very pelachor ye!!"

Driver: ^%#&*^

Priya:" So how many of them in Stalex?"

Afira: "Is Starex Priya!!"

Priya: " Starex..I mean Starex"

Tonight......She did asked me about the ex-s.The past one on 2010. Dengan confidence ya.." Why la all of them quite old"

I replied her " senang dia orang mati aku ambik harta" * Statement very sundal!!!*

You know what she answered back...Hah ambik ko!!! " What if you TERmati dulu"'

Afira: "Priya, there is no TERmati tau...Nak mati mati je..Tak de TER TER"

Ok..Now I feel I am gonna TERmiss ALL OF THEM..Basically next month I am gonna back to VKL and settle few stuff.Haish....The list:-

a) Flight ticket to HK. Pick up a date and finalize with the DM's
b) Thesis
c) New dress and heels for New Year Eve.
d)Spend time with the girls.
e)Captain Jason!!.." How you doing these days? Hope IOWA keep you alive and kicking" Happy flying no matter where you are.And take good care of yourself!!   =)

p/s : Wondering how's the team doing over there...Hope you guys keep rocking the day.Save the fun for me ya!! * I Miss You Guys..XOXO*

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Cerita cerita terinzal...

Hiya blog!!

Today, aku nak story la satu cerita yang aku rasa nak lari, merangkak,terguling ayapan dan macam macam aksi luar biasa.

I work nite duty these few days and today I came work fresh due I got enough rest.And then is when the drama came off la. At new place, I aware and noted clearly the facilities not ready. But frankly I don't expect the term stupid from the person. "Shame on you la kaedahnya!!"

The scenario is very simple " A person need a taxi". Well you just have to do few things. But the main point " Get a taxi!!"
Oh ya!! Correct me if I am wrong. Now here comes my opinion.

" I tahu dekat luar hujan.I tahu Malaysia takda salji.But payung kan ada.Just go out and tahan the taxi la.Or.Google and find the taxi number. And ask the 'person to sit while awaiting the taxi to arrive'...But here like hmm..You even do not know what to do? Hello come on la guys.Basic things and you all tahu la pula pass things to do. Ni ke kaedahnya nak jadi C*#&G%&*? Budak gua pun tahu apa nak buat.What you need to do is find the info. Call here and there.Takkan nak suap je?. Takkan semua nak instruct? Haishh..."

Secondly, grooming. Hancur dow!! Hello you all should have a basic grooming at least.The term at least,(at least ye) refers to lipstick. Hair should be comb nicely.Oh man..What is this? Kerja malam? Oh tidak. As for me no matter kerja malam, siang, subuh, you kena la cantik cantik kan.
Terms cantik bukan suruh ko make up setebal 10 inci.Just a moderate. At least presentable.

Following things, that I love love so much macam nak lempang laju laju. When people call me not to ask " how do you do?" But to ask " eh can you help me to check whether my rooms has been reserved or not?" Now I want you to see what I reply to your end!!
" I am not your servant, maid or anythings that you may call to check!!"
Go to HR or anywhere and check? I am not being paid by you to check. Hence you just only a staff just like me.Don't call me when you need a help. I am not a light when you are in darkness. Hola me once a month then minta tolong. Engkau rasa aku hadap nak tolong ke? Maybe yes kot.Maybe!! End up I cut off the line.Nah ambik ko, tu la treatment yang layak after ko dengar aku carut carut kan.!!!Tahu pula rasa bersalah..

Single life...Yes I know I am single. But it doesn't mean I don't have a taste. Or no one wants me (statement!!) When I am being question why I am single and being claimed as a lesbian do you think I will keep quiet? The answer is " NO"

Let me reply for your sincere inquiries. I am single doesn't mean I am available.I am choose who I want to be with. I was fall in love and out of love. At this moment I am single. Oh and of course I am looking who is same level a or more than that. Yes I came from middle class families and I truly knows my origins. I am choosy and I admit that!! Single is easy. I have my own life to take care off. I do not have any time to take care others. As for me, I will take care those appreciate me enough otherwise I am hold the fucking door for them to walk off. It is just not my time yet. After all, I am having a tunnel vision for my future but not for my personal life yet. If you found out your attachment status is makes you happy till the skies. Just go with the flow.Take care of it. Do not interfere others. Don't judge me until you walk a mile in my Manolo. You get me?


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Pole Dance, Christmas and New Year

Hiya Blog,

I had casual talk with Priya over New Year plan and Christmas Dinner with her. Somehow I told her...Babe pole dance!!..Pole dance for new year!!!

And she is like OMG.Ok why not..I was like..OMG!!!!

As per Priya.." tak menari pun tak pe..As long as we hold the tiang"..Hah ambik ko!!

Adeh! Terus satu office dengar aku gelak kot..LOL

Saturday, November 24, 2012

RELIEVE...Part 1......dan Cita Cita..Haipp!!

Hiya Blog,

Basically I just finished my Accounting Quiz...Mak relieve nok..Mak relieve...Hahahha...Then.Terus terfikir masa kecik kecik apa cita cita aku...Lalalal.....

Ini cerita cita cita gua...Masa darjah 1 aka umur 7 tahun nak jadi polis..Hahaha...Sumpah aku nak gelak ye..Then high school..Aku telah menukar cita cita tu..Menjadi lawyer(konon konon nak ikut cita cita mama yang tak kesampaian)..While my dad..My dearest abah wanted me badly to be doctor..(* sure sah sah ada yang arwah..Allah.. sorry doctor tertingal gunting dalam perut..Boleh kita start operation in few hours tak?*)

At first after completed SPM, I received medic course and all the stuff at Russia..Terus aku teruja and I realized I do not have passion on it.On that time.I wanted badly a job require me to travel, pakai cantik cantik, fly sana sini..Erk bukan model or pramugari (even saya suka naik kapal terbang!!!)..Sebab I bukan Size 0..Saya sedar kelemahan dan kelebihan itu..So bung bang bung bang gua masuk YTL-ICHM after finished STPM.Now I am wondering how's everything changed in the blink of eyes.Maka bermula la..Kehidupan gua di Asia New York..KL Yo!!!

Finally year after year.Tada..Saya jadi Duty Manager in other words define by me DERITA MEMANJANG!! under YTL Hotels and Properties Brands.I learned to speak in Professional Way (*Pengsan Bila Aku Carut*),walk gracefully..LOL, even my closet not full with designer brands (Saya bersyukur dengan apa yang ada) I manage dress to kill.Even ada yang cakap itu je baju yang gua ada kan.Yang dia nampak aku pakai 2 3 kali..Yang dia tak nampak sebab tak pakai tak pula dia mention.*Make sense takkan pergi pasar malam nak suruh aku pakai kasut tinggi..KO gila!!*..I even flies few part of worlds.Domestic and International..Kaedahnya....Frankly I am happy to hold this post. Tetapi apabila Gua disuruh mengajar di suatu tempat yang tiada penghuni lagi and start zero dan menghabiskan malam malam gua study and word puzzle.Dan memikir apa yang kena buat..Dan ko rasa banyak serabut yang mendatang..Even gua ada niat nak main dota!!..Gua rasa gua rasa...Gua rasa nak menyanyi lagu..
"Ohh yeah Oh yeah!! I want to be a rock star!!! TT.TT

p/s: Ok now prove to be everyone you can be wonder woman..Tada!!!

Friday, November 23, 2012

New Place.....

Hiya Blog,

It's been long time I didn't pen down to write my blog. Time constraints one major factor of it.
Nevertheless, I just came back from holiday like a week ago. *Mode scroll gambar kejap tengok date*

Back from holidays, after membetulkan urat saraf yang lari..LOL..Being called to assist new coming hotel.Uh lalala...Tada......!!!!!

And guest who I met over there....Jeng Jeng

Show room time..=)

Basically, we are buddy partner and I am assisting her until next month.Seriously tempat baru ni besar gila..And yet, I am being busy like a bee these days.

Ok and yet..Spoke about my trip a week ago. It was fun tho!!! Yet, I am planning to hit Kowloon, Hong Kong end of this month.At first, Bell and her spouses rang me few days to go and gave me idea to hit Macau for bungee jumping..

*Terus aku menjerit* Ko gila!!! Tidak!!!
Bell said : Try la gila..It gonna be fun.I know you are fun type..Ko mesti suka!!
Fyra: No..Bell..Aku tak berani..And bla bla....

Suffice to say, I tak berani..I cannot ye!!...

I have 1 (ONE) untold story will write soon..Please bare with me until the end..LOL...

Women In Black Part 4

Saturday, November 3, 2012

--HarLoww TooWoomBa------

Hiya Blog,

Just want to say!! Hello November and HarLow TooWoomba!!!

Sunday, October 28, 2012


"Winter is the time of promise because there is so little to do - or because you can now and then permit yourself the luxury of thinking so".

Friday, October 26, 2012

...Is Just a Life....

Hiya Blog,

I have no idea what to write.But I am still have few words to say.Lalala

Ok..October is about to end =)
Good things I have commit few stuff on November..
Plenty of plans in my head.

Pindah rumah(perhaps) - Shopping - Girl's Day - TBA

Apparently, I agree to do some stuff which actually test few areas.Responsiveness, Act fast and few stuff..
I am in the post to change the way I am think.What I am trying to say is think for betterment and it should be more logic and with solid facts.

Ann , Mama and Icha has been informed completely about this.And gladly they are happy. I will reveal soon.But not now.As far as I concerned, I can do more than that. November will be very hectic. My filofax for November has been slowly fill with activities.

Hehehe..Nur will fly to Vietnam for her part of studies. Zarina (Ms Cool) busy running her restaurants..
Oh I owe both of them to do ATV activities....wakakaka...

Siap aku cakap dekat Cik Zarina.."I want to wear my red pants and spek mata kucing..meow meow"

These days, I do have addiction beside shoes.Shopping!!
Like Syaffiq Idham said."masa untuk tunjuk kekayaan kejap"LOL..
I realized I bought few stuff most of it clothes..I am into Elle's Apparel.From blouse to jeans, the baby t and sweat pants.lalala....

Like 8 pieces kot this month aku beli je.Tapi ada la pakai 2 kerat je..The rest aku letak dalam beg shopping..Still ye..Is like last year end.Aku shop je banyak end up till March ada juga yang tak pakai..hehehe..

Time to get new gadget..Wohoo..Cik Afira sudah feeling feeling nak bela seekor anak Apple.Maybe MBA(Macbook Air) / MacBook Pro and maybe I am thinking to get iPad.These moments I have my Acer Lappy and Note..And as for me I am thinking of to give my Acer to adik.Only Acer not my note.Even she is 11 years old.She learn to demand this and that. Taste dia these days very expensive.(siapakah yang mengajar dia? Oh No!!)Menangis aku ye!!
She even told me to get car ASAP!!Siap bagi brand apa dia nak.Audi A7..Menangis aku ye!!Nak je aku cakap, "Apa kata adik purposed kat mama, wah wah" Harus mak aku bertukar jadi Ah Long gamaknya!!

Year end is around the corner.I have few plans..I need to do some holidays closer with Icha and the gang. Planning some va va voom new year count down with Zarina, Bonda, Bill and Nur.

And FYI..8/12/12 is Sara and Wan wedding reception.Hmm time to think what to wear.And 2013 Fazz and Ayie will tie the knot.Congratulation Guys!!!

p/s : My shoes will be ready soon..Next: animal print perhaps?

...Fake Gila ....

Hiya Blog,

Ok there is nothing much I need to spit out.Just today is AidilAdha.
I did not back home, for first time aku tak balik with some reasons.
Tapi kalau Aidilfitri sah sah la aku balik.Otherwise mama and abah jadi naga ye..LOL!!

Early morning, calling Ann which located in far far away land..Lalal...
Sempat pula aku mengarut dengan Si Ann ni.Fake gila kan..(Only both of us tahu behind the stories)

Ok la entry kali ni..malas nak type panjang panjang..sebab aku tak tahu nak tulis dah macamana..huahua

p/s : Class start soon..As per Rudy Azhar..Pergi class bawa pencil case dengan iPad.Sumpah aku nak jadi naga due feedback dia yang sangat sucey!!..I takda iPad. Cuma note yang comel..lalala..I prefer old and classy gitu..lalalal

Sunday, October 21, 2012

...Day with the amantes....

"They say nothing lasts forever; dreams change, trends come and go, but friendships never go out of style".

So...after a week with parents..I back to KL..spent time with the amantes (the loved ones)
Seems life is pretty occupied but I managed to spend time with them....

Yesterday on 20th after came back from home.I spent few hours with Icha over some brunch and desserts..Our best spot Pavilion la..mana lagi..Dari Gucci Ke H & M..survey this and that...

Like super meriah kot due lama gila tak jumpa kan..However most of the days we text each other tanya khabar.."Thats how friends do right"?

What I am trying to say is..Friends doesnt need to be together 24/7 kan, but texting or calling each other twice or thrice or a month both of you still updating each other status.Like dah kawen ke, pengsan ke,pitam or anything..

I do have a friends who fly here and there and when he/she has times rasa rasa inbox message tu penuh cerita..I don't know how others define friends kan..Silent in arrogant or elegance? I let you to decide...* eh apakah cerita ini sudah lari topik?**

Sempat la aku dengan Icha menganyam ketupat, rebus, and etc. Wohoo...I think the worst part I forced him to go to Bens.Nak makan Aiskrim..hahaha..the sundae was uh lalala.......I love when he asked me..Hows your preparation for study soon..Aku jawab je..Nervous, Excited and Thrill

The bestie...... =)


Is a girl's day..Last week..Hah..we  spend at Kiara's Hill..Super meriah ye..hah bruk brek bruk brek...

So today.We did movie, eating session, talking session and facial inquiries..

Hah..Tengok cerita Hotel Transylavania..Zarina was worried at first place..She thought "are you sure this movie is cool?

Slumber je aku jawab.."Trust me..with my present movie tak best pun jadi best ya "

Like Bleh, bleh,bleh...Hah boleh statement macam tu kan...

"If you are single there is always one thing you should take out with you on a Saturday night: your friends".

It was fun with the girl...Alahai....When Zarina send me back home..We had girls talk..Saat tu aku rasa nak nangis kejap..hahah...I keep it as a secret la ye..Oh ya and she asked the same questions like Ichaa.."How you feel to be student again and how far is the preparations?"
Aku jawab je.. I feel thrilled due again I jadi student balik..Which means I sacrifice few stuff..Such as my night life..This and that..I feel it is quite challenges as well due I am working and at the same time I am studying. I feel excited to try new environment, meeting new friends and learn something new.
Nervous..Hmm...Do not know how it will be...Over all this courses will take my times 2 years.So I wish all gotta be ok..Life is fun aite....

I am counting the days obviously..I still do not receive the time table and etc from the end side.Will follow up ASAP!!

These days, my day live to the fullest..I trying hard to blend with student life..Reading a plenty of books..

It fills with running at gym,sometimes accompany Shane at pool having a talk with him, reading novels, articles and times with the amantes..pergh....Kerana excited nak belajar..Terfikir nak shopping pencil case..Terus adik aku cakap kat mama.." Mama, I think she will not fill it with stationary..
Mama replied.."Then? What you mean? Adik said : "Trust me, with her make up"!!

Saat tu aku rasa nak blender je adik..Adik oh adik..Mujur ko adik kesayangan aku..Kalau tak ada je kena rasa hempok or terlempar dalam washing machine kan..hehehhhe...

Ok la..till then...

Saturday, October 20, 2012

...Bits and pieces...

Hiya Blog,

Unfortunately my Shanghai trip has been post phone due unforeseen circumstances..
My daddy and mummy not feeling well enough..To be fair and square it is better for me to delay and carry forward in future time.

No penalty charges has been imposed.Ticket valid for 6 month and can be changed 3 times.Thank you for choosing Business Class with MAS!! *Boleh advertised macam tu?**

Then a week ago..I spend time at Penang..Plus I do some medical check about my eyes and teeth..
Yada Yada..Power increased..Doctor advised me this and that..I was like ok ok.Had an idea about lasic.Unfortunately as per Doctor Tan (fyra's families doctor) there are plenty of issues that I need to consider before I proceed. Furthermore loads of precautions before and after should I considerate..*eeeyaakk*.Frankly his ram idea somewhere somehow, nearly cut my throat.So..Next time..

Basically, these days, I do not have time to online and even read newspaper.Life getting busy ye..But somehow there are few conversations between me and my amantes somehow make my day.You may see me smile widely..Yayy....

Ann Arthur...

This woman..Hardly my day aint no complete without texting her.We wats app and oh yeah..Line help both of us stay connected as well..She complaint did I break up with her..due lambat reply!!!Alahai..Ko ann...!!

* Now aku rasa very lessy ye*...
She claimed she missed me.But emoticon said another way..hahha..I miss you giler =)

The moment I ffk her for skype..Hahha...

Ann's complaint..The moment ignore her Line..=p
Ko mampu reply macam ni..Cut my throat ye!!
So yada yada..This woman even she in US...We still keep in touch bagai nak rak.That was one time..I was sneaking around at office and skype her..Must be during her big day..Buff day..hahhaha....

Hmm ...I miss the clan..Sapa lagi..Joanna, Tallitha and Harith...I met them early of this month..hahaha..Organize by Jo..

See..Group Makan Bitch...Due outing kerja makan je....
Bitches talks..LOL.....
Cheesy **

I managed to met them at last.Is like super meriah kot..Adohai..I miss you guys...Gamat ye Devi's corner malam tu..hahahha..

These days..I do have new addiction..Oh ya..I have two (2) pair of shoes.Custom made.It design at your own choice by local.The price range in between RM 80 and above..Oh and I am sharing these with my beloved bapa hayam pedro..Syaffiq Idham...
Both shoes are custom made by Danielle..Super comfy ok..4 inch I can stand longer..Less back ache....

I am google la sana sini copy paster here and there and coming out what shoes that I want..lalalal....

He taught me how to take care the shoes!!Curlast...

Bitches Talk!!!
For upcoming month I design royal blue..Hmm believe you guys watched Sex and The City 1.Where Sarah Jessica Parker wore blue shoes during her big day with Mr Big.I pick that colour..And it gonna be royal blue, satin material which I am gonna wear to Evan wedding..Auw...hahaha..

I feel happy these days..I am managed to nursing my babies last night...hahaha...Yang kasut.Then outfit..Last handbags!!!!

The Babies..Before sent to nursery...lalala
Finally!!!..I guess I need a big closet to place more shoes...Yay!!