Sunday, December 2, 2012

Action speak louder than words!!

Hiya Blog,

I had a wonderFOOL weekend!! I feel super annoying kot!!
Balik kerja, as usual I curl up on bed before awake for reading, running or anything la. However my beautiful sleep has been disturbed.Totally disturbed.Benci tau!!!
* baru mimpi best best-dah la before mimpi very tamak, ada 10 hoodies siap tulis 'I LOVE NY' . Gara gara pegi MNG tapi tak beli!!*

I received a phone called from long lost girlfriend!!Maka disebabkan kepandaian Cik Fyra yang tak mengsilentkan handphone masa tido maka terpaksala jawab. * I realized these days people called me for sake of help**

Except parents and close friends je yang call tanya khabar.I hate this scenario.She called to borrow my shoulder to cry on. Seek for advice kaedahnya!! Maka dengan mata yang terpejam sambil peluk teddy bear Cik Fyra mengassist la panggilan telefon itu. ** La kena halau dengan boyfriend**

At first, I pissed off with her. But I don't want to be so call Ms JUDGE-MENTAL!! But I can't help myself.Does first thought count? I think it is!

Well I know Cik K lama la juga like 5 years since college time. Both of us quite close before until.. until nature change the situation.

Nature here means = pindah rumah, pindah negeri dan berkaitan status pindah memindah la.Enough to said!
She was by my side when James buat perangai when James moved from KL to SG!! So is not good for me to turn her away even this is not 1st time dia kena halau dengan Si Boyfriend yang tak berguna. *sempat aku kutuk kan**

Rasanya 3 weeks ago kes yang sama and yet cari tempat perlindungan. Yang heran, ko kena mendrem ke hapa!!

Sempat Cik Fyra jadi Nicol David smashed her by telling " Babe, I bet is too late to spin the drama.. The walls speak loud and clear!! sah sah dia tak nak kat ko that's why again ko kena halau!!

Before she was with the guy, she was reside near Bukit Bintang area. Now!! Adeh!!! Aku blur kejap.But satu je aku salute. Maintain cool 5 minit then gelabah then cool!! Aiyak!!
Ala ala macam mak Si tanggang yang maintain dayung sampan even kena halau dengan Si Anak!

Frankly, rasanya dengan 2 jam aku brainwashed dia ye!! As for me if the guy loved you indeed. Ala ala Laila Majnun ke Romeo Juliet tak de la ko kena halau.In my opinion, babe if he want to walk from your life. Just let it go, hold the fucking door and let him walk. There is no point!! As for me, "Girl you wasting your time ye"

End up, aku cakap, "sorry for this time I may advice what I believe.Yet is not first time. What I am trying to say is you are the one to decide.Even berkati kati advice aku bagi but ko tak nak ikut so what's the point"

"Am I correct?"Plus, his action clearly said " You are please to walk away from here"

** Tu la dulu, bila Cik Fyra cakap jangan tinggal sekali  tak nak dengar..Eee geramnya aku!! Now, ada masalah how la!!

As for me, this kind of relationship very risk. You dah la tak kahwin, are clearly there is no black and white or official letter to uphold your status kan.Dah jadi macam ni ala ala cuci kaki tangan muka.For betterment, it is advisable that you packed your belonging and leave and start new life. Is not too late I guess..After all love is temporary feeling cubicle by marriage. Again, if he dare to ask you out from home means he dare to treat you more badly after this. Rasanya laki macam ni bersepah merata tempat kan. Layak la ko keluar cepat cepat "It is a sign to leave him, you cried a lot than you laugh harder when you was with him".

Enough said "  When people walk away from you, let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you, and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over".

Till then.........

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